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i am completely new to PovRay and i am having problems.
i am using the Linux port of PovRay and i get a error
when i include "stones.inc".
It says:
Parsing....s-povray: error in loading shared libraries
:undefined symbol: __bzero
2nd problem. When i set the display=true i can't seem to
get s-povray or x-povray to show me anything while it
with x-povray it tells me:
file intit error.
Error opening output file.
and with s-povray it is even worse. it blacks my screen,
puts a box up, then does nothing else. at that point
i reboot.
i'll take any help i can get.
Rev. Reverse
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rev_reverse wrote:
> i am completely new to PovRay and i am having problems.
> i am using the Linux port of PovRay and i get a error
> when i include "stones.inc".
> It says:
> Parsing....s-povray: error in loading shared libraries
> :undefined symbol: __bzero
> 2nd problem. When i set the display=true i can't seem to
> get s-povray or x-povray to show me anything while it
> renders.
> with x-povray it tells me:
> file intit error.
> Error opening output file.
> and with s-povray it is even worse. it blacks my screen,
> puts a box up, then does nothing else. at that point
> i reboot.
> i'll take any help i can get.
> Rev. Reverse
First thing. What platform and what distribution and what version?
"My new computer's got the clocks, it rocks
But it was obsolete before I opened the box" - W.A.Y.
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rev_reverse <rev### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
: at that point i reboot.
Linux? You don't need to.
(usually pressing ^z and then "ps" and "kill povray_pid" is enough;
using "screen" before running povray is better because you can kill a
window by pressing ^a^k)
):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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Look, I'm anything but an expert either at POV-Ray or computing in
general but since you're not getting that many answers...
Before anything else : there exist a povray.unix group on this
server. It mignt be useful (and orderly) to post there.
> i am using the Linux port of PovRay and i get a error
> when i include "stones.inc".
> It says:
> Parsing....s-povray: error in loading shared libraries
> :undefined symbol: __bzero
First some hope : I've used the include quite frequently and just
made some more tests and all was working fine. Your type of error
might indicate that you don't have the right librairies installed.
The names of those librairies are indicated in the Readme file
inside povlinux.tgz. Thy to use "locate" to find them on your
system. If they are not there get them. Simply installing them might
not work though: it didn't for me while I was running RedHat 5.2 but
everything settled when I upgraded to 6.0.
All this being said, the question remains : why a problem only when
using "stones.inc" ? Well, maybe povlinux.tgz got corrupted. Never
happened to me but I've heard of it. Anyway, like spontaneous
mutations errors should ruin everything more than producing flawed
super-heros. But if you made your own compile you got more
opportunities for something going awry.
> 2nd problem. When i set the display=true i can't seem to
> get s-povray or x-povray to show me anything while it
> renders.
Once again no problem here after a few tests. There are many
workaround anyway:
- firstly try using the option +d on the command line, rather than
setting the .ini file option Display. It's just a mechanical tweak
but it might work. There's also the possibility of using +D in the
.ini but I dont see how that would be any different from using
Display=true... if you find that the command line options are too
much word, as I do use aliases in your .bashrc file.
- secondly, don't use it at all like I do. I just leave a viewer
opened, tuned on the directory where my images are landing. XV is my
choice because it uses a buffer that acts like an instant
sub-directory. It is so much more flexible. Because of the way that
Unix works, you can even leave multiples instances of it opened
without filling up you memory : this allows instant comparisons.
> i'll take any help i can get.
Well, that's pretty much what you got. :o))
> Rev. Reverse
In French, that would mean Reverend Reverse. Really ?
Have fun. You're using POV-Ray in the best most flexible
environnement possible.
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rev_reverse wrote:
> i am completely new to PovRay and i am having problems.
> i am using the Linux port of PovRay and i get a error
> when i include "stones.inc".
> It says:
> Parsing....s-povray: error in loading shared libraries
> :undefined symbol: __bzero
Try using stones1.inc or stones2.inc seperately and see if the error persists.
The standard stones.inc simply calls the two other two .inc files and it
may be why you are recieving that error. Why that is I have no clue but it
might help you narrow the field a bit.
Ken Tyler - 1200+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/
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jrm### [at] videotron ca wrote:
> Look, I'm anything but an expert either at POV-Ray or computing in
> general but since you're not getting that many answers...
Just so the world knows I don't blow off such questions, I responded to
this by email the day it was posted, mostly asking which version of
which distribution he was using and giving some general tips as to
possible solutions. I haven't heard back.
-Mark Gordon
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