When I try to use the Golds.inc and/or woods.inc which come with POVRay 3.1,
I got error messages.
PovRay looks like not understanding statements of these files such as :
"#declare GoldBase = <1.00, 0.875, 0.575>; // mine again
// This set shifts the color toward orange by subtracting
// bluegreen from the base color.
#declare CVect1 = GoldBase - <0.00, 0.20, 0.40>;"
or things like 'translate -2*x' and '<0.5,0.5,1>*0.66'
With these statements, I have errors on '*' (which disapeear if I
replace -2*x by <-2,0,0>' for instance) and on the '-' of the substraction.
I don't understand these errors since I perfectly use the same kind of
statements in my own .POV (and they exist on other people's files).
What do you think of this problem ?
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In article <37bc230b@news.povray.org> , "eric" <ski### [at] hotmail com>
> When I try to use the Golds.inc and/or woods.inc which come with POVRay 3.1,
> I got error messages.
> PovRay looks like not understanding statements of these files such as :
> "#declare GoldBase = <1.00, 0.875, 0.575>; // mine again
> // This set shifts the color toward orange by subtracting
> // bluegreen from the base color.
> #declare CVect1 = GoldBase - <0.00, 0.20, 0.40>;"
> or things like 'translate -2*x' and '<0.5,0.5,1>*0.66'
> With these statements, I have errors on '*' (which disapeear if I
> replace -2*x by <-2,0,0>' for instance) and on the '-' of the substraction.
> I don't understand these errors since I perfectly use the same kind of
> statements in my own .POV (and they exist on other people's files).
> What do you think of this problem ?
Try setting the version directive as first line in your scene file:
#version 3.1
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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