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Is there an easy way to skip rendering an object? Like using a GOTO to
skip over it? I don't want to have to delete the whole object or comment
out 20 lines to comment it out.
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Chuck Roberts wrote:
> Is there an easy way to skip rendering an object? Like using a GOTO to
> skip over it? I don't want to have to delete the whole object or comment
> out 20 lines to comment it out.
> Thanks.
The easiest way is to simply declare the object as something.
For example:
#declare Thing =
As you can see you need only comment out one line this way. This is of course
a simplified version and you would normaly have finishes and pigments for the
Ken Tyler
See my 850+ Povray and 3D Rendering and Raytracing Links at:
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Yes. And another way is:
#if (false)
plane {...
and another way:
/* plane
{ ... }
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On Wed, 25 Aug 1999 15:18:07 -0400, Chuck Roberts <rob### [at] accn org> wrote:
>Is there an easy way to skip rendering an object? Like using a GOTO to
>skip over it? I don't want to have to delete the whole object or comment
>out 20 lines to comment it out.
Here's a portion of scene code from a recent trace I did. It isn't my
original idea to call it render control. An artist shared his source with me
and I took to using this method for quick test renders. My apologies to the
artist as I have forgotten his name.
/* Render Control */
#declare Photons_on = 1;
#declare phd =0.75; // 0.5
#declare Area_light_on = 1;
#declare Refl_Refr_on = 1;
#declare Focal_blur_on = 1;
#declare Focal_blur_high_quality = 1;
#declare Plastic_box_on = 1;
#declare Innards_on = 1;
#declare Test_ball_on = 0;
#if (Test_ball_on)
sphere {<-4,-5,4>,1
pigment {color rgb 1.5}
finish {ambient .2 diffuse .6 specular .3 roughness .005}
#end // (Test_ball_on)
http://www.povray.org - Home of the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: skipping an object temporarily
Date: 27 Aug 1999 16:18:15
Message: <37c6f287@news.povray.org>
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In article <37C4416F.917EDA0A@accn.org> , Chuck Roberts <rob### [at] accn org>
> Is there an easy way to skip rendering an object? Like using a GOTO to
> skip over it? I don't want to have to delete the whole object or comment
> out 20 lines to comment it out.
Aren't multiline /* ... */ comments simple enought? You only need to alter
two lines :-)
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
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Thorsten Froehlich wrote:
> In article <37C4416F.917EDA0A@accn.org> , Chuck Roberts <rob### [at] accn org>
> wrote:
> > Is there an easy way to skip rendering an object? Like using a GOTO to
> > skip over it? I don't want to have to delete the whole object or comment
> > out 20 lines to comment it out.
> Aren't multiline /* ... */ comments simple enought? You only need to alter
> two lines :-)
> Thorsten
I would have given up long ago without them !
Ken Tyler
See my 850+ Povray and 3D Rendering and Raytracing Links at:
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