If i have get it right, the lights in a scene "fades" the more far the
light is from the light-source, right?
Pretend i make a cylindrical light, how do i make it so the light is
constant all over the scene, from that light?
// Rikard Bosnjakovic - http://hem2.passagen.se/rikbo - ICQ: 1158217
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Rikard Bosnjakovic wrote:
> If i have get it right, the lights in a scene "fades" the more far the
> light is from the light-source, right?
Real world light fades, POV-Ray lights do not fade with distance unless
you tell them to. If you do not use the "fade_distance", "fade_power"
or "atmospheric_attenuation" keywords in your light definition, they
will not fade with distance. If you *want* fading, use them as needed.
> Pretend i make a cylindrical light, how do i make it so the light is
> constant all over the scene, from that light?
As I said, the light will not fade with distance unless you tell it to.
If you want the edges of the cylinder (or cone for a spotlight) not to
fade, in your light definition make "falloff" equal to "radius" and set
"tightness" to 0. Your cylinder (or cone) will then have sharp edges.
Good luck.
Jerry Anning
cle### [at] dholcom
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