Is there a graceful way to make a billiard ball without an image map?
I've done the image map thing, and it works great, but I was hoping to make
.pov file that could stand on its own and doesn't need fifteen accompanying
image files.
Something to do maybe with using text and differencing it with a sphere?
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On 19 Jun 2000 14:40:45 -0400, "CreeD" <mes### [at] nqi net> wrote:
>Is there a graceful way to make a billiard ball without an image map?
>I've done the image map thing, and it works great, but I was hoping to make
>.pov file that could stand on its own and doesn't need fifteen accompanying
>image files.
>Something to do maybe with using text and differencing it with a sphere?
Clip the text with the sphere, then union it with the same sphere.
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] usa net
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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Wasn't it CreeD who wrote:
>Is there a graceful way to make a billiard ball without an image map?
>I've done the image map thing, and it works great, but I was hoping to make
>.pov file that could stand on its own and doesn't need fifteen accompanying
>image files.
>Something to do maybe with using text and differencing it with a sphere?
If you really are talking about billiards, there are only three balls.
One is plain off-white, one is plain red and the third one has a spot
like this:-
sphere {0,1 pigment { gradient z
colour_map {[0.000 rgb <1,1,.9>]
[0.997 rgb <1,1,.9>]
[0.997 rgb 0]
[1.000 rgb 0]}
finish {phong 0.8}
If, however, you're talking about pool balls, you probably want to
investigate the "object pattern" facility in MegaPOV, something like
// The number "5" on the front side of the ball
#declare One_Five =
text { ttf "ariblk.ttf", "5", 1, 0
scale <1,1,-2>
translate -0.35*y
// Two "5"s one for the front and one for the back
// (We can't just push it all the way through or it would
// be back to front on the far side)
#declare Five =
union {object {One_Five rotate y*180}
object {One_Five}
// The gradient texture for the area outside the "5"s
#declare Yellow_White =
texture {
pigment {
gradient z
colour_map {[0.0 rgb <1,1,0>]
[0.8 rgb <1,1,0>]
[0.8 rgb <1,1,0.9>]
[1.0 rgb <1,1,0.9>]}
finish {phong 0.8}
// The plain black texture for inside the "5"s
#declare Digit =
texture {
pigment {rgb 0}
finish {phong 0.8}
// The ball with the object texture pattern
sphere {0,1
texture {
object {Five
texture {Yellow_White},
texture {Digit}
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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CreeD <meshe@nqi.net> wrote in message news:01bfda1e$a03a1ba0$601ba1d0@mk...
> Is there a graceful way to make a billiard ball without an image map?
> I've done the image map thing, and it works great, but I was hoping to
> a
> .pov file that could stand on its own and doesn't need fifteen
> image files.
> Something to do maybe with using text and differencing it with a sphere?
How about using Intersection? Just make sure the text is deep enough for
intersecting the entire edge with the sphere...
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