POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Using an image file : Re: Using an image file Server Time
11 Nov 2024 09:01:56 EST (-0500)
  Re: Using an image file  
From: Kenneth
Date: 10 Jul 2017 07:40:01
Message: <web.59636534bbe238b1883fb31c0@news.povray.org>
"Sublyminal" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> How would I go about importing or using an image within povray?

As far as 'importing' the image goes, you'll need to put your image into a
folder where POV-ray can recognize its location; that's not done automatically.
There are specific ways to 'inform' the program where your image resides-- like
opening the built-in 'POVRAY.INI' file (under the 'TOOLS' menu if you're running
the Windows version) and actually writing the full computer 'path' to the
image's folder, using 'Library_Path="....."  But that's probably a bit too
complex to learn and understand, if you're just starting out.

The easiest way to see quick results is just to place your image in the same
folder as your scene file. POV-Ray WILL automatically 'see' it there, and import
it into your scene, with no extra work required.

As you become proficient with the program, you'll find that putting *all* of
your various image_map images into a single folder will be a more logical
approach (in my opinion)-- in which case, learning how to use 'Library_Path'
will come in handy.

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