A simple example would be this code (assuming you already have a camera and some
lights in the scene). It uses the 'image_map' keyword...
#version 3.7; // or 3.6, or whichever version of POV-Ray you are using
global_settings{assumed_gamma 1.0 max_trace_level 5}
---(camera here)---
-- light(s) here---
box{<0,0,0>, <1,1,0> // a box can be made zero-thickness if you want
image_map{jpeg "my_image.jpg" interpolate 2}
finish{ambient .2 emission 0 diffuse .8}
scale... // scales the full box object, not just the image.
// ANY image is 'squashed' or 'stretched' to completely fill the
// 1X1-unit box, by default, no matter what its resolution or aspect-ratio
// is-- so you will probably need to scale the box to the proper ratio.
translate ... // ditto, wherever you want it to be in space
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