POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Feeling overwhelmed : Re: Feeling overwhelmed Server Time
9 Nov 2024 04:59:43 EST (-0500)
  Re: Feeling overwhelmed  
From: Le Forgeron
Date: 12 Jul 2019 12:35:20
Message: <5d28b6c8@news.povray.org>
Le 12/07/2019 à 16:45, Ron a écrit :
> Hi folks,
> I am try to make a themed POV-RAY chess set with the board.
> Each time I sit down to work on it a feel very overwhelmed and dont know where
> to start/continue from.
> I have read many posts about good tutorials and resources but they all seem to
> point me to different directions.
> I was thinking of just creating a Game Of Thrones themed chess board or perhaps
> something similar.
> What would you recommend as the next step for me? Is there a must read/practice
> tutorial?
> Are there any easier themes people could recommend that still look easy on the
> eye?
> Thanks so much for reading this and hopefully someone can give some guidance!

Before jumping in an IP-themed chess set, did you look at classical
chess sets ?
Staunton & Regence are probably the most common of them.


I do not know GoT, but for IP-theme I would ask if the white side and
the black side are to be identical or totally different.

Considering LotR, white (nice guy ? hey, they move first, not really
nice of them) could be based on the communauty, and the black side on
the Sauron & other (knight as nazgul ?)

Same for a star wars chess  set (choose your trilogy, or all of them),
Leia & Yoda vs Vador & emperor...

Now, go back to previous link and compare the ratio of height with the
diameter of the base (for each of the 6 pieces), that would be the kind
of ratio you should achieve for your designed set in order to be "lovely".

It's a shame to need 6 different pieces, as an abstract set could be
done with the 5 platonic solid.

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