I am a very new POV-ray user and am a little hesitant about asking such a basic question.  I have been trying different practice pieces and everything works except lights.  I have a picture at http://www.ccbrundage. net/save/image2.jpg - the cross is supposed to be shiny gold but no matter what I do, I can't get a light to shine on it.  I have had this trouble with all my pictures.  I have tried every type of light, location, etc.  I would appreciate any suggestions - I would like the light to shine from the left - but anywhere is ok now!!!
Many thanks in advance,
Christina B.

http://www.ccbrundage.net/sain ts/
http://web.tampabay.rr.com/ccb/< /A>
http://www.thecelticplanet.com/< /A>