
I made a test landscape in Blender and convert it with 3Dwin4 to

pov-Ray format.

How can I put in a optional normal statement,stone texture or isosurface functions,

(smooth,bumps,granite leopard,wrinkles etc.) to the Blender landscape?




Here is the code:


Copyright by Thomas Baier <thomas.baier@stmuc.com>

Created by POV Export Plugin 1.1 at Thu Mar 06 16:23:50 2003

Master POV file:


#declare V_WorldBoundMin = <-8.183390, -8.183391, 0.000000>;

#declare V_WorldBoundMax = <8.183390, 8.183391, 1.015218>;


#include "colors.inc" // The include files contain

#include "stones.inc" // pre-defined scene elements

#include "textures.inc" // pre-defined scene elements

#include "shapes.inc"

#include "functions.inc"

#include "Landscape_g.inc"

// perspective (default) camera

camera {

location <0.0, -2., 0.1>

look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>

right x*image_width/image_height




//camera{ P_def_cam }

object{ P_def_light1 }

object{ P_def_light2 }

//object{ P_def_light3 }


translate <-.5, -.5, -.5>

scale <0,0,0>


sky_sphere {

pigment {

gradient y

color_map {

[ 0.5 color CornflowerBlue ]

[ 1.0 color MidnightBlue ]


scale 2

translate -1

