Dear All,

 I've been experimenting a little bit with the camera position. I would like to maintain my rendered
image orientation. For example, I want my x-axis(Red bar) positioned horizontal z-axis(Green bar) vertical even if I change my camera position while looking at the same position of the object.

One more question:
  What are the meanings of the non-zero values of y and z in "right <0.35816, 0, 0.206784>".
I learned that x value of right< , , > maintains ratio of the image output. But for the y and z, I have
hard time understanding.

Many thanks,


// POV-Ray file generated from Rhinoceros.

camera {
   location <12, 100, -102.089>
   right <1.1547, 0, 0.>
   up <0, 0.866025, 0.>
   //direction <-0.433013, -0.5, 0.75>
   angle 18.2474
   // to get an image that's the same as the viewport in Rhino,
   // uncomment this section and render with command line options (alt+c):
   // +w884 +h513
   right <0.35816, 0, 0.206784>
   up <-0.06, 0.207846, 0.103923>
   direction <-0.433013, -0.5, 0.75>
   look_at <-0.297046, 4.53777, 2.85368>