POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : megaPov #include files can't be found Server Time
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  megaPov #include files can't be found (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: phendric
Subject: megaPov #include files can't be found
Date: 3 Mar 2009 15:45:00
Message: <web.49ad96a6bb218fc7e71c97730@news.povray.org>
I apologize if this seems a silly question, but my concern is when I run
megapov, include files such as #include "colors.inc" etc cannot be found when
the scene is rendered.  I have made no changes to the file hierarchy after
megapov was downloaded (I have downloaded povray was well) but I get this error

Parse Error: Cannot open include file colors.inc.

'Library_Path=' .INI item. Standard
 include files are in the include directory or folder. Please read your
documentation carefully.

my file hierarchy is as follows:
my scene is: MegaPOV_C_UB/scenes/demo.pov
and in the Megapov GUI under 'set search paths for additional include files' I
have: MegaPOV_C_UB/Insert Menu/20-Include files   which is where colors.inc is
located (or I guess it's actually colors.inc.txt)

Does anyone know why megapov cannot fine the include files?

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: megaPov #include files can't be found
Date: 3 Mar 2009 17:35:00
Message: <web.49adafc458650b144b67233c0@news.povray.org>
"phendric" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> I apologize if this seems a silly question, but my concern is when I run
> megapov, include files such as #include "colors.inc" etc cannot be found when
> the scene is rendered.  I have made no changes to the file hierarchy after
> megapov was downloaded (I have downloaded povray was well) but I get this error

You may need to edit your "master POVRAY.INI" file (see the "tools" menu); make
sure it includes a "Library_Path=" line to point to the original POV 3.6
include directory, e.g.:

Library_Path="C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for Windows v3.6\INCLUDE"

(You do have POV 3.6 (e.g. 3.6.1c) installed, don't you?)

> and in the Megapov GUI under 'set search paths for additional include files' I
> have: MegaPOV_C_UB/Insert Menu/20-Include files   which is where colors.inc is
> located (or I guess it's actually colors.inc.txt)

Um... I've never seen this option in MegaPOV 1.2.1... hum... maybe you should
add some info what OS you're actually using - I was assuming Windows, but
currently only you really know...

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From: phendric
Subject: Re: megaPov #include files can't be found
Date: 3 Mar 2009 17:35:01
Message: <web.49adb05758650b14e71c97730@news.povray.org>
sorry but I should add that the example files included in the scene directory
such as bear.pov have trouble with their #include statements as well.

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: megaPov #include files can't be found
Date: 3 Mar 2009 17:45:01
Message: <web.49adb1ce58650b144b67233c0@news.povray.org>
"clipka" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Um... I've never seen this option in MegaPOV 1.2.1... hum... maybe you should
> add some info what OS you're actually using - I was assuming Windows, but
> currently only you really know...

Argh! Stupid me! (*slaps head*)

I'm reading the messages through the "digest" - I really should occasionally
have a look at what group they're actually posted in... >_<

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From: phendric
Subject: Re: megaPov #include files can't be found
Date: 3 Mar 2009 18:15:01
Message: <web.49adb8e758650b14e71c97730@news.povray.org>
Thanks for your reply but I don't see a "master POVRAY.INI" in any of my files.
I do have povray 3.6, however I'm not sure how I'm supposed to incorporate the
two so I can get the #include statements working.

oh and sorry about the confusion, I'm on an intel Mac.

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From: Yvo Smellenbergh
Subject: Re: megaPov #include files can't be found
Date: 4 Mar 2009 10:17:38
Message: <1iw2a0w.etg15y6hvycoN%yvo.s@cancel_This_gmx.net>
"phendric" <nomail@nomail> wrote:

> my file hierarchy is as follows:
> my scene is: MegaPOV_C_UB/scenes/demo.pov
> and in the Megapov GUI under 'set search paths for additional include files' I
> have: MegaPOV_C_UB/Insert Menu/20-Include files   which is where colors.inc is
> located (or I guess it's actually colors.inc.txt)

You selected the wrong include folder.
Just go to "MegaPOV" >> "Preferences.."
Now select the "System Includes" tab.
Press the 'Add' button and select the 'include' folder from the official
POV-Ray release.
Press 'Apply' or 'Ok' and now you will be able to run the standard
If you also want to render  some of the MegaPOV specific scenes, also
add the 'include' file that comes with the MegaPOV archive.
You can also set some include files in 'set search paths for additional
include files' like you did but the 'Insert menu' is not an include
You can select this folder in:
"MegaPOV" >> "Preferences.."
Now select the "Editor"  tab and add the folder by pressing the "Insert
Folder" button at the bottom of the panel.
When you do this and you have an editor window on top, you can go to the
"Templates" menu and at the bottom you will find the insert menu now. 

I hope you will succeed now.


MegaPOV at:  http://megapov.inetart.net
MacMegaPOV at:  http://users.skynet.be/smellenbergh
E-mail: yvo(DOT)s(AT)gmx.net

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From: phendric
Subject: Re: megaPov #include files can't be found
Date: 4 Mar 2009 15:40:01
Message: <web.49aee65b58650b14e71c97730@news.povray.org>
Score, problem solved!  Thanks so much!

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