POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Quicktime direct from MegaPOV Server Time
22 Dec 2024 01:28:06 EST (-0500)
  Quicktime direct from MegaPOV (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Kevin
Subject: Quicktime direct from MegaPOV
Date: 27 Apr 2008 11:15:01
Message: <web.48149751f4acbf479ae0fac20@news.povray.org>
Having just acquired a brand new Intel based IMac, I found the that the official
POV does not work, as has been reported before.

I was delighted to find MegaPov - which works just fine and is a MAJOR
improvement on the official version.  But I do not seem to be able to animate
directly into Quicktime, as I could do with the official POV.

Am I missing a trick? I really do not want to have to find a utility that will
sting a bunch of images into a movie.... Can anyone help....

Best regards
Kevin Karney

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From: Yvo Smellenbergh
Subject: Re: Quicktime direct from MegaPOV
Date: 27 Apr 2008 14:43:20
Message: <1ig2pa1.bc00bz1b0pby6N%yvo.s@cancel_This_gmx.net>
Kevin <Kev### [at] Karneycom> wrote:


The current version of MegaPOV doesn't support direct output to
QuickTime movie. The next release will support it again. You can use
QuickTime Pro or GraphicConverter to create a movie from the images
created by MegaPOV. This is also much safer to do and is much more
flexible. You can not continue a render when you save directly to a
movie, you can not render only a few frames and in case your computer
crashes in the middle of a long render you loose all your work instead
of only one image.


> Having just acquired a brand new Intel based IMac, I found the that the
> official POV does not work, as has been reported before.
> I was delighted to find MegaPov - which works just fine and is a MAJOR
> improvement on the official version.  But I do not seem to be able to
> animate directly into Quicktime, as I could do with the official POV.
> Am I missing a trick? I really do not want to have to find a utility that
> will sting a bunch of images into a movie.... Can anyone help....
> Best regards Kevin Karney

-- ----------------------------------- MegaPOV at:
http://megapov.inetart.net MacMegaPOV at:
http://users.skynet.be/smellenbergh E-mail: yvo### [at] gmxnet

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