POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : POVRay Mac versuses PC Server Time
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  POVRay Mac versuses PC (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Woody
Subject: POVRay Mac versuses PC
Date: 21 Dec 2007 07:50:00
Message: <web.476bb65735424e3e94e61a50@news.povray.org>
Hi, Im quickly becoming discusted with MY PC laptop and an seriously considering
getting a MacBook.

Are there any users out there who have used POVRay on both a Mac and PC?

Any advanatages of one over the other?

How do they compare/Contrast?

Any Help would be greatly appreciated?

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From: jasonkrupert
Subject: Re: POVRay Mac versuses PC
Date: 17 Jan 2009 23:15:01
Message: <web.4972ac50941e44663acceab30@news.povray.org>
"Woody" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Hi, Im quickly becoming discusted with MY PC laptop and an seriously considering
> getting a MacBook.
> Are there any users out there who have used POVRay on both a Mac and PC?
> Any advanatages of one over the other?
> How do they compare/Contrast?
> Any Help would be greatly appreciated?

Be aware that POVRay appears to crash on MacBookPro with OS 10.5.6.  I have a
new machine and discovered this software and tried to use it and it crashes.
Apparently others with OS 10 are also seeing this behavior.  Thus, my naive
recommendation is "if it ain't broke don't" switch. (Hurts me to say this since
I love my Mac).

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From: triple r
Subject: Re: POVRay Mac versuses PC
Date: 17 Jan 2009 23:45:00
Message: <web.4972b2d3941e4466ef2b9ba40@news.povray.org>
"jasonkrupert" <jas### [at] yahoocom> wrote:

> Be aware that POVRay appears to crash on MacBookPro with OS 10.5.6.  I have a
> new machine and discovered this software and tried to use it and it crashes.
> Apparently others with OS 10 are also seeing this behavior.  Thus, my naive
> recommendation is "if it ain't broke don't" switch. (Hurts me to say this since
> I love my Mac).

To be fair, that doesn't prevent you from using POV-Ray altogether.  I also have
OS 10.5.6 on a MacBook Pro and didn't notice any problems, although I prefer the
command-line versions of POV-Ray, MegaPOV, and MC-POV.  If that fails, you can
also install Ubuntu and Windows XP for a triple-boot system.  I don't use them
very often, but have had good luck with POV-Ray under both of those.

 - Ricky

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From: jasonkrupert
Subject: Re: POVRay Mac versuses PC
Date: 18 Jan 2009 15:55:00
Message: <web.497396d6941e44663acceab30@news.povray.org>
"Woody" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Hi, Im quickly becoming discusted with MY PC laptop and an seriously considering
> getting a MacBook.
> Are there any users out there who have used POVRay on both a Mac and PC?
> Any advanatages of one over the other?
> How do they compare/Contrast?
> Any Help would be greatly appreciated?

Sadly recommend sticking with the Windows version.   Seem to be problems with
POVRay on OS 10.5 on Intel Mac machines.   I am experiencing a problem right
now where POVRay won't even launch correctly.

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From: Bill Pragnell
Subject: Re: POVRay Mac versuses PC
Date: 19 Jan 2009 06:00:00
Message: <web.49745ca6941e44666dd25f0b0@news.povray.org>
"jasonkrupert" <jas### [at] yahoocom> wrote:
> "Woody" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > Hi, Im quickly becoming discusted with MY PC laptop and an seriously considering
> > getting a MacBook.
> >
> > Are there any users out there who have used POVRay on both a Mac and PC?
> >
> > Any advanatages of one over the other?
> >
> > How do they compare/Contrast?
> >
> > Any Help would be greatly appreciated?
> Sadly recommend sticking with the Windows version.   Seem to be problems with
> POVRay on OS 10.5 on Intel Mac machines.   I am experiencing a problem right
> now where POVRay won't even launch correctly.

Somebody else suggested it too, but it's worth reiterating:

MegaPOV works perfectly on the Intel Macs! It does everything the current
official version does (and more). As long as you're happy with this version,
it's the way to go for the time being.


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