POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Find and Replace Server Time
22 Dec 2024 01:08:54 EST (-0500)
  Find and Replace (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Greg Williams
Subject: Find and Replace
Date: 10 Dec 2007 21:30:01
Message: <web.475df605cce43a3c295a9a3d0@news.povray.org>
What are the limits of the Search/Replace command on the Mac platform?

I have a file that contains several thousand instances of: rgbt <number, number,
number, 1.000000>  I need to replace all of those 1.000000  t-values with  0.
(The source of the 1.000000 values is the modeling program, DS Visualizer, and
I can't fix it. It's a known bug in Visualizer.)

I can replace a small set of them, say on the order of 25 or so with
Search/Replace All, Selection only.

However, if I select all of the entire file, or even more than a couple of
hundred cases, and do the same Search/Replace All, Selection only, I get the
Mac spinning color wheel of the death, and the program locks up. I have to
Force Quit POV Ray.

This isn't a problem on the Windows version.

Is this a known problem for Mac 3.6.0 build197?



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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Find and Replace
Date: 11 Dec 2007 02:47:20
Message: <475e4088$1@news.povray.org>
Greg Williams wrote:
> What are the limits of the Search/Replace command on the Mac platform?
> However, if I select all of the entire file, or even more than a couple of
> hundred cases, and do the same Search/Replace All, Selection only, I get the
> Mac spinning color wheel of the death, and the program locks up. I have to
> Force Quit POV Ray.

There are no limits, it will just take really long if you have a very huge
file. POV-Ray does not lock up, it is just taking very long to perform the
find and replace, especially if the file is several megabytes in size.


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From: rere-911
Subject: Re: Find and Replace
Date: 8 Mar 2010 07:10:00
Message: <web.4b94e8b62abf93808de4fa1e0@news.povray.org>
"Greg Williams" <gre### [at] comcastnet> wrote:
> What are the limits of the Search/Replace command on the Mac platform?
> I have a file that contains several thousand instances of: rgbt <number, number,
> number, 1.000000>  I need to replace all of those 1.000000  t-values with  0.
> (The source of the 1.000000 values is the modeling program, DS Visualizer, and
> I can't fix it. It's a known bug in Visualizer.)
> I can replace a small set of them, say on the order of 25 or so with
> Search/Replace All, Selection only.
> However, if I select all of the entire file, or even more than a couple of
> hundred cases, and do the same Search/Replace All, Selection only, I get the
> Mac spinning color wheel of the death, and the program locks up. I have to
> Force Quit POV Ray.
> This isn't a problem on the Windows version.
> Is this a known problem for Mac 3.6.0 build197?
> Thanks,
> Greg

There are no limits, it will just take really long if you have a very huge
file. POV-Ray does not lock up, it is just taking very long to perform the
find and replace, especially if the file is several megabytes in size.

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