POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : 3.6 rendering gives no image Mac OS X 3.8 Server Time
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  3.6 rendering gives no image Mac OS X 3.8 (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: karen
Subject: 3.6 rendering gives no image Mac OS X 3.8
Date: 21 Aug 2006 17:05:00
Message: <web.44ea1ef05a804b8815793cfb0@news.povray.org>
I have managed to generate a POV-Ray file which has the extension ".inc"
from a file generated by another program (Swiss-PdbViewer).  When I select
RENDER file.name a progress screen comes up briefly, but no image is to be
seen.  The following message is given:

Parse Error: Expected 'numeric expression', undeclared identifier 'rN_'
found instead

File FliM-FliM contacts 1.inc line 12

(The .inc file was generated by the POV-Ray program itself)  Here is the
sphere  {<30.56,8.96,-17.80>,rN_ }

I have a very simple goal - to generate an image file of what I see
on-screen after working with Swiss-PdbViewer.  The only version of
Swiss-PDBViewer I can run on my machine will not save images, nor can I
copy and paste.  It supposedly can save a POV-Ray file, so I am trying to
accomplish by using POV-Ray, but am getting nowhere fast!

Can anyone help?

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From: kurtz le pirate
Subject: Re: 3.6 rendering gives no image Mac OS X 3.8
Date: 22 Aug 2006 08:35:25
Message: <44eafa0d$1@news.povray.org>

>I have managed to generate a POV-Ray file which has the extension 
> from a file generated by another program (Swiss-PdbViewer).  When I 
> select
> RENDER file.name a progress screen comes up briefly, but no image is 
> to be
> seen.  The following message is given:
> Parse Error: Expected 'numeric expression', undeclared identifier 
> 'rN_'
> found instead
> File FliM-FliM contacts 1.inc line 12
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> (The .inc file was generated by the POV-Ray program itself)  Here is 
> the
> line:
> sphere  {<30.56,8.96,-17.80>,rN_ }
> I have a very simple goal - to generate an image file of what I see
> on-screen after working with Swiss-PdbViewer.  The only version of
> Swiss-PDBViewer I can run on my machine will not save images, nor 
> can I
> copy and paste.  It supposedly can save a POV-Ray file, so I am 
> trying to
> accomplish by using POV-Ray, but am getting nowhere fast!
> Can anyone help?

error message is clear, the 'rN_' variable is not defined.
this variable define the radius of the 'sphere' object.
try :
    #declare rN_ = x;
before the sphere {...}

but the real question is : why this var is not defined when exporting 
to pov.inc file ?


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