POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : UNIX POV on an iMac CoreDuo Server Time
22 Dec 2024 01:32:19 EST (-0500)
  UNIX POV on an iMac CoreDuo (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Russell Towle
Subject: UNIX POV on an iMac CoreDuo
Date: 8 Apr 2006 15:25:01
Message: <web.44380d059a3b648d39b2bf190@news.povray.org>
I just got an iMac Core Duo 2Hgz 2MB 20" with OSX 10.4.4. It is wonderful.

I downloaded POV-Ray 3.6.1 for UNIX and, following the included directions,
used the Configure script in Terminal.app to compile the application. I
used the non-default method, which does not require Root privileges.

After some frustrating fits and starts I got UNIX POV running from the
Terminal command line. I still don't quite know what I'm doing, but I can
render and use an .ini file to set resolution and quality etc., so there's
some progress.

I performed the built-in benchmark, in which on the command line one types
povray -benchmark. The results are below.

Smallest Alloc:                   9 bytes
Largest  Alloc:             1440008 bytes
Peak memory used:           5521337 bytes
Total Scene Processing Times
  Parse Time:    0 hours  0 minutes  2 seconds (2 seconds)
  Photon Time:   0 hours  0 minutes 39 seconds (39 seconds)
  Render Time:   0 hours 32 minutes 19 seconds (1939 seconds)
  Total Time:    0 hours 33 minutes  0 seconds (1980 seconds)

Using the Activity Meter, I see that UNIX POV only uses one of the two
processor cores to any extent; but it does max that one core out,

In benchmarking UNIX POV 3.6.1 against the beta Universal of MacMegaPOV,
using the same .ini file, I found that Mac Unix->39 seconds, MacMegaPOV->37
seconds, of rendering time.

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