POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Animation Status question/observation?! Server Time
22 Dec 2024 06:49:03 EST (-0500)
  Animation Status question/observation?! (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: jlindersmith
Subject: Animation Status question/observation?!
Date: 15 Oct 2005 11:50:00
Message: <web.43512240124ce720962660460@news.povray.org>
I have an observation and a question, I create animation sequences
frequently with my copy of this great little software package and have
since 1993 found POV to be a really handy tool for visualization and
creative work. My observation is this, when rendering animations,
especially large complex scenes that require minutes or even hours of
render time the status messages, which I assume are piped into the Message
subwindow  from a command line level subroutine, we are virtually inundated
with useful info such as;

Render Statistics
Image Resolution 320 x 240
Pixels:          2304000   Samples:         2304000   Smpls/Pxl: 1.00
Rays:            2395228   Saved:                 0   Max Level: 2/5
Ray->Shape Intersection          Tests       Succeeded  Percentage
etc, etc, ad nauseum... bla, bla, bla...
.....This is all useful information for evaluating system performance and
scene complexity but a carefull review reveals no indication of the current
clock value or frame number...

my question is this! why not include in the message stream the animation
frame number or even clock value as a way of monitoring the progress of
generating scene images? There is probably an easy preference check box or
ini setting to have this really basic debug information forwarded to the
user, as I have usually found that the programmers left almost nothing out
of this simple yet very powerful software. This seems
like a simple thing that has been overlooked but if there is anyone out
there who knows a way to have this basic info presented durring the
rendering process please let me know.

P.S. I use Tiger and version 3.6 and occasionally my pc under XP, but rarely

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From: Anthony D  Baye
Subject: Re: Animation Status question/observation?!
Date: 15 Oct 2005 12:09:58
Message: <435129d6$1@news.povray.org>
jlindersmith wrote:
> I have an observation and a question, I create animation sequences
> frequently with my copy of this great little software package and have
> since 1993 found POV to be a really handy tool for visualization and
> creative work. My observation is this, when rendering animations,
> especially large complex scenes that require minutes or even hours of
> render time the status messages, which I assume are piped into the Message
> subwindow  from a command line level subroutine, we are virtually inundated
> with useful info such as;
> Render Statistics
> Image Resolution 320 x 240
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pixels:          2304000   Samples:         2304000   Smpls/Pxl: 1.00
> Rays:            2395228   Saved:                 0   Max Level: 2/5
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ray->Shape Intersection          Tests       Succeeded  Percentage
> etc, etc, ad nauseum... bla, bla, bla...
> .....This is all useful information for evaluating system performance and
> scene complexity but a carefull review reveals no indication of the current
> clock value or frame number...
> my question is this! why not include in the message stream the animation
> frame number or even clock value as a way of monitoring the progress of
> generating scene images? There is probably an easy preference check box or
> ini setting to have this really basic debug information forwarded to the
> user, as I have usually found that the programmers left almost nothing out
> of this simple yet very powerful software. This seems
> like a simple thing that has been overlooked but if there is anyone out
> there who knows a way to have this basic info presented durring the
> rendering process please let me know.
> P.S. I use Tiger and version 3.6 and occasionally my pc under XP, but rarely
The Frame Number, Animation Time and Frame Time used to be displayed in 
the render progress window but, as I understand it, they got lost in the 
new version.  Presumably (Hopefully) these features will be restored in 
version 4.


Long live the POV team.

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From: kurtz le pirate
Subject: Re: Animation Status question/observation?!
Date: 16 Oct 2005 04:05:09
Message: <kurtzlepirate-B16E36.10050916102005@news.povray.org>
In article <web.43512240124ce720962660460@news.povray.org>,
 "jlindersmith" <jli### [at] maccom> wrote:

::I have an observation and a question, I create animation sequences
::frequently with my copy of this great little software package and have
::since 1993 found POV to be a really handy tool for visualization and
::creative work. My observation is this, when rendering animations,
::especially large complex scenes that require minutes or even hours of
::render time the status messages, which I assume are piped into the Message
::subwindow  from a command line level subroutine, we are virtually inundated
::with useful info such as;
::Render Statistics
::Image Resolution 320 x 240
::Pixels:          2304000   Samples:         2304000   Smpls/Pxl: 1.00
::Rays:            2395228   Saved:                 0   Max Level: 2/5
::Ray->Shape Intersection          Tests       Succeeded  Percentage
::etc, etc, ad nauseum... bla, bla, bla...
::.....This is all useful information for evaluating system performance and
::scene complexity but a carefull review reveals no indication of the current
::clock value or frame number...
::my question is this! why not include in the message stream the animation
::frame number or even clock value as a way of monitoring the progress of
::generating scene images? There is probably an easy preference check box or
::ini setting to have this really basic debug information forwarded to the
::user, as I have usually found that the programmers left almost nothing out
::of this simple yet very powerful software. This seems
::like a simple thing that has been overlooked but if there is anyone out
::there who knows a way to have this basic info presented durring the
::rendering process please let me know.

have trying to put this in your code :

  #debug concat("\nclock is : ",str(clock,5,3))
  #debug concat(" and frame number is : ",str(frame_number,0,0),"\n")
  ... others values...

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From: jlindersmith
Subject: Re: Animation Status question/observation?!
Date: 23 May 2006 22:20:01
Message: <web.4473c1f2528cd581962660460@news.povray.org>
> have trying to put this in your code :
>   #debug concat("nclock is : ",str(clock,5,3))
>   #debug concat(" and frame number is : ",str(frame_number,0,0),"n")
>   ... others values...

I waited waaay too long to say so, but thanks! this has become a pretty
standard part of my scene files. The variable to string function and
concatination works great and gives me the information I need.

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