POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Error running POV-Ray on OS X 10.3 Server Time
22 Dec 2024 06:18:29 EST (-0500)
  Error running POV-Ray on OS X 10.3 (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: stoile
Subject: Error running POV-Ray on OS X 10.3
Date: 6 Sep 2005 15:05:01
Message: <web.431de75539863b47bd78a280@news.povray.org>
About two hours ago, pvoray worked just wonderfull, but now i get a checkbox
when i start povray:

A fatal error occured. If the same problem occurs more than once, please
fill out a bug report form in POV-Ray Documentation folder. Please include
the error number below.

The error number is -199.

What can i do to get povray running again?


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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Error running POV-Ray on OS X 10.3
Date: 6 Sep 2005 15:18:11
Message: <431deb73$1@news.povray.org>
stoile wrote:
> About two hours ago, pvoray worked just wonderfull, but now i get a checkbox
> when i start povray:
> A fatal error occured. If the same problem occurs more than once, please
> fill out a bug report form in POV-Ray Documentation folder. Please include
> the error number below.
> The error number is -199.
> What can i do to get povray running again?

A file that POV-Ray tries to access is corrupted on your harddisk. Run Disk 
Utility to check your harddisk for errors, tell Disk Utility to fix them and 
then reinstall POV-Ray.


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From: Sky Shields
Subject: Re: Error running POV-Ray on OS X 10.3
Date: 6 Dec 2007 13:15:00
Message: <web.47583b148bb7e7ab411521dd0@news.povray.org>
> A file that POV-Ray tries to access is corrupted on your harddisk. Run Disk
> Utility to check your harddisk for errors, tell Disk Utility to fix them and
> then reinstall POV-Ray.
>  Thorsten


I had the same problem.  I've run Disk Utility three times now, but I'm getting
the same error message.  Disk Utility also makes the exact same repairs every
time, which has never happened before.  I'm assuming this isn't a POVray
problem . . .

Is there a better disk repair program?


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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Error running POV-Ray on OS X 10.3
Date: 6 Dec 2007 14:13:01
Message: <475849bd$1@news.povray.org>
Sky Shields wrote:
> Is there a better disk repair program?

Yes, but they are all commercial.


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From: Sky Shields
Subject: Re: Error running POV-Ray on OS X 10.3
Date: 15 Dec 2007 21:10:00
Message: <web.4764881b8bb7e7abb11e084c0@news.povray.org>

I found the solution to the problem posted on this site here:

It worked for me.  Here's the text from the site:

"The error,

"The Error number is -199. (For internal reference only!)

"appears upon startup and exits from the program proper, such that POV-Ray
becomes useless (not pleasant when you need that last minute image 30 seconds
before lecturing).

"The only mention online (if you search by the message text) can be found at


"The error itself is not diagnosed, only noting that a corrupted file is not
being accessed upon startup and that running a Disk Utility verification/fixing
and reinstalling POV-Ray solves the problem. If this has happened to you, you
may have noted that verification/fixing and re-installation does not do the

"The origin of the problem on my machine could be traced to a crashed POV-Ray
rendering run of a number of images and the retention of the file POV-Ray Mac
3.6.plist in my /[USER]/Library/Preferences/ directory, which typically only
contains the file POV-Ray Preferences 3.5 (why an installation of POV-Ray 3.6
would still leave a 3.5 Preference file is beyond the scope of this post).

"Deleting the POV-Ray Mac 3.6.plist file fixes the problem.

" www.apple.com
" www.povray.org

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