POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Povray and xgrid for distriduted rendering Server Time
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  Povray and xgrid for distriduted rendering (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: junior dball
Subject: Povray and xgrid for distriduted rendering
Date: 21 Jun 2005 09:05:01
Message: <web.42b8104ecf3d628ef47b0bc30@news.povray.org>
I run POV-Ray with Xgrid on a Mac OS X server and all works fine,so i
decided to try some distributed rendering.
The client of Xgrid is in command line version,so i have some problems to
understand how does it works.i read an 'how to' guide to xgrid but it was
How can i submit a job and make it works?i think the problem is in the
syntax used to set commands and arguments in the command line.Can anyone
help me?
Xgrid requires a povray's bin command (i suppose) but i don't know where to
find it nor if it's a correct way to use the command line.
I hope someone can help me.

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From: Francois LE COAT
Subject: Re: Povray and xgrid for distriduted rendering
Date: 3 Jul 2005 04:01:16
Message: <42c79b4c@news.povray.org>

junior_dball wrote:
> I run POV-Ray with Xgrid on a Mac OS X server and all works fine,so i
> decided to try some distributed rendering.

Good idea. Do you have a cluster, or at least a dual processor ?

> The client of Xgrid is in command line version,so i have some problems 
> understand how does it works.i read an 'how to' guide to xgrid but it w
> useless.

It works as if you were launching something in a text terminal window.

> How can i submit a job and make it works?i think the problem is in the
> syntax used to set commands and arguments in the command line.Can anyon
> help me?

It is explained in the POVRay documentation.

> Xgrid requires a povray's bin command (i suppose) but i don't know wher
e to
> find it nor if it's a correct way to use the command line.

The best is to launch "./povray my_init_file.ini" where the text file
"my_init_file.ini" contains all arguments that are required to render
a scene with POVRay. There's examples of ".ini" files in the POVRay

> I hope someone can help me.

I hope it'll help.


Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)

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