POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : getting started on a Mac Server Time
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  getting started on a Mac (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: deltajana
Subject: getting started on a Mac
Date: 6 Apr 2005 10:05:01
Message: <web.4253ec42b7386ce0eab3d47c0@news.povray.org>
Hello everyone

Ever since I discovered Pov Ray and saw the rendered images, I wanted to
become a part of this fascinating and eclectic community.

I downloaded the app about a year ago, but have been unable to do anything.

Although I am somewhat proficient with photoshop and painter and I am
learning html, I am coming from a fine art background with no other
computer skills or experience.

My heart starts racing when I think about Pov Ray and I want to learn to Ray
Trace so badly.

Do you think that I can learn to do this or am I too inexperienced to even
attempt it?

I have reformatted my HD and now feel empowered.  Seriously, if the answer
is yes, can you tell me where and how to start to learn this from the
ground up?


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From: kurtz le pirate
Subject: Re: getting started on a Mac
Date: 6 Apr 2005 10:58:29
Message: <4253f915$1@news.povray.org>

> Hello everyone
> Ever since I discovered Pov Ray and saw the rendered images, I wanted to
> become a part of this fascinating and eclectic community.
> I downloaded the app about a year ago, but have been unable to do
> Although I am somewhat proficient with photoshop and painter and I am
> learning html, I am coming from a fine art background with no other
> computer skills or experience.
> My heart starts racing when I think about Pov Ray and I want to learn to
> Trace so badly.
> Do you think that I can learn to do this or am I too inexperienced to even
> attempt it?
> I have reformatted my HD and now feel empowered.  Seriously, if the answer
> is yes, can you tell me where and how to start to learn this from the
> ground up?
> Thanks............jana

    hi jana and welcome.

    first, witch version of os : 9.x or X ?
    second, witch version of POVray : 3.5, 3.6, unoficial megapov... ?

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From: deltajana
Subject: Re: getting started on a Mac
Date: 6 Apr 2005 11:25:01
Message: <web.4253feca258ff3feeab3d47c0@news.povray.org>
Hi Kurtz

Thanks for responding ASAP.  I am running 10.2.8 G-4 and I have Pov Ray

Now what?  Honestly, since I have been learning html, Pov Ray seems like it
is in the realm of "being able to learn", but, even when I have tried to
render a .pov file that came with the app download, I am getting lots of
errors in the messeage?

>     hi jana and welcome.
>     first, witch version of os : 9.x or X ?
>     second, witch version of POVray : 3.5, 3.6, unoficial megapov... ?

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From: kurtz le pirate
Subject: Re: getting started on a Mac
Date: 9 Apr 2005 04:45:16
Message: <kurtzlepirate-2CAC74.10451409042005@news.povray.org>
In article <web.4253feca258ff3feeab3d47c0@news.povray.org>,
 "deltajana" <del### [at] verizonnet> wrote:

>> Hi Kurtz
>>Thanks for responding ASAP.  I am running 10.2.8 G-4 and I have Pov Ray
>>Now what?  Honestly, since I have been learning html, Pov Ray seems like it
>>is in the realm of "being able to learn", but, even when I have tried to
>>render a .pov file that came with the app download, I am getting lots of
>>errors in the messeage?

* read the doc.

* set path to your "includes" folder "Edit" menu, "Prefrences...". in 
the "Scenes" tab, clic "Add.." then novigate to your "includes" folder 
and clic "Choose". Now in the "Global Include Paths" you must have a 
line like this : "hd:Applications:PovRay:includes:". That do, close the 

* In the "File" menu, choose "Open" and go to the scenes folder.  Go for 
exemple in the "Camera" folder and open "spherical.pov". this open a 
window with source code for this scene.

* In the "Render" -> Render spherical.pov (or cmd-r)... you have now 
your image !

* settings for this scene can be changed in the "edit" menu -> 
"spherical.pov settings"

have fun !!

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