POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : include files Server Time
22 Dec 2024 06:35:05 EST (-0500)
  include files (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: kallun
Subject: include files
Date: 5 Dec 2004 08:45:01
Message: <web.41b30ffcb53cc40e848a35f70@news.povray.org>
Hi I am a newbie trying to use povray for rendering images of molecules. I
use Swiss PDB viewer to create a .pov file which I then try to render in
povray 3.6 (mac osX 10.3.6).
I have solved some issues regarding the program not finding the path to the
input file etc. by reading earlier threds on the forum.

However, when i now try to render the messeage I get is:

Parsing Options
  Input file: Macintosh HD:Users:tkallelundgren:Desktop:o (compatible to
version 3.60)
  Remove bounds........On   Split unions.........On
  Library paths:
    Macintosh HD:POV-Ray 3.6:include:
    Macintosh HD:Library:
Output Options
  Image resolution 160 by 120 (rows 0 to 120, columns 0 to 160).
  Output file: o.pict, 24 bpp (system format)
  Graphic display.....On  (gamma:  1.8)
  Mosaic preview.......Off
  CPU usage histogram.Off
  Continued trace......Off
Tracing Options
  Quality:  9
  Bounding boxes......On  Bounding threshold: 1
  Light Buffer.........On   Vista Buffer.........On   Draw Vista
Animation Options
  Clock value....   0.000  (Animation off)
Parse Error: Too many nested include files.

File o line 13
Total Scene Processing Times
  Parse Time:    0 hours  0 minutes  0 seconds (0 seconds)
  Photon Time:   0 hours  0 minutes  0 seconds (0 seconds)
  Render Time:   0 hours  0 minutes  1 seconds (1 seconds)
  Total Time:    0 hours  0 minutes  1 seconds (1 seconds)

I understand from reading the instructions that I am limited to using a

understand how to get around this problem... What shall i Type to prevent
this from happening?

The include files are:

#include "colors.inc" (this is line 13)
#include "textures.inc"

and further down:

#include "Macintosh HD:Users:tkallelundgren:Desktop:o"

I am grateful for any tips,

All the best,


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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: include files
Date: 5 Dec 2004 13:12:56
Message: <41b34fa8$1@news.povray.org>
In article <web.41b30ffcb53cc40e848a35f70@news.povray.org> , "kallun" 
<kal### [at] mbbkise> wrote:

> I understand from reading the instructions that I am limited to using a

> understand how to get around this problem... What shall i Type to prevent
> this from happening?
> The include files are:
> #include "colors.inc" (this is line 13)
> #include "textures.inc"
> and further down:
> #include "Macintosh HD:Users:tkallelundgren:Desktop:o"
> I am grateful for any tips,

This is not a Mac specific question. You are recursively including the same
file, which does not make sense and cannot work. Likely you will need to
explain what you are trying to do in order for someone to help you.

Cross-posted to povray.newusers, please follow-up there.


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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