POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : MacMegaPOV and INI Files Server Time
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  MacMegaPOV and INI Files (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Ironwolf
Subject: MacMegaPOV and INI Files
Date: 29 May 2003 15:30:01
Message: <web.3ed65f65864e2fa4f3cd6260@news.povray.org>
I have not found a way to make MacMegaPOV use other sections of an INI file
other than the default (first) section when starting a render. Am I missing

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From: Yvo Smellenbergh
Subject: Re: MacMegaPOV and INI Files
Date: 30 May 2003 03:09:05
Message: <1fvrl1f.1ha37p1lutwdeN%yvos.s@gmx.net>
"Ironwolf" <nomail@nomail> wrote:

> I have not found a way to make MacMegaPOV use other sections of an INI file
> other than the default (first) section when starting a render. Am I missing
> something?

You can select an ini file in the 'Files & Paths' panel from the
preferences dialog.
Simply select that option and choose a valid ini file.
Only options set in that ini file will be used, all other options are
taken from the preferences dialog. The ini-file is used ass last,
overwriting all other settings.

If you  set the 'write-ini' option in the 'Image & Quality' panel from
the rendering preferences a file will be written with *all* options.
Simply use that file as base, edit the settings you want to change and
choose it as ini-file to use for the next render.

Does this answer your question?

MacMegaPOV at:

E-mail: yvo### [at] gmxnet

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From: Ironwolf
Subject: Re: MacMegaPOV and INI Files
Date: 3 Jun 2003 06:35:02
Message: <web.3edc788e14f9b0ba3c3069d00@news.povray.org>
Yvo, thanks for your response, but it doesn't quite answer my question.
According to POV-Ray docs, INI files can have more than one "section", each
(except the first) preceeded by a label in brackets, like so:

; Thumbnail




I have used the official POV-Ray release for the Mac (currently broken), the
Windows version, and the command-line version under Unix. All of them have
a way to select these other INI sections. But I prefer to use the Mac most
of the time, and as I said, the official release is currently broken under
Mac OS X. So, I discovered MacMegaPOV, which seems great. The only thing I
can't figure out how to do is to get it to pay attention to sections of an
INI file other than the first. I know I can break apart my INI files into
multiple ones, but I would prefer to use a single INI file with multiple
sections if possible. Any ideas?


Yvo Smellenbergh wrote:
>"Ironwolf" <nomail[at]nomail> wrote:
>> I have not found a way to make MacMegaPOV use other sections of an INI file
>> other than the default (first) section when starting a render. Am I missing
>> something?
>You can select an ini file in the 'Files & Paths' panel from the
>preferences dialog.
>Simply select that option and choose a valid ini file.
>Only options set in that ini file will be used, all other options are
>taken from the preferences dialog. The ini-file is used ass last,
>overwriting all other settings.
>If you  set the 'write-ini' option in the 'Image & Quality' panel from
>the rendering preferences a file will be written with *all* options.
>Simply use that file as base, edit the settings you want to change and
>choose it as ini-file to use for the next render.
>Does this answer your question?
>MacMegaPOV at:
>E-mail: yvo### [at] gmxnet

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From: Yvo Smellenbergh
Subject: Re: MacMegaPOV and INI Files
Date: 3 Jun 2003 13:20:56
Message: <1fvzscf.1m6d8v11jkgqz6N%yvos.s@gmx.net>
I see what you mean now.
Well, this is not possible in the current version of MacMegaPOV.
As far as I know this isn't possible in the official version either, at
least I can not figure out how or where it is listed in the

I will try to add this feature for the next release if time permits.
What you could do for now:
- Make several settings in the preference dialog and save each of them.
- You will only have to load the preferred setting and render your

I do realize that  this isn't the same but it is a possibility once you
are used to it.


"Ironwolf" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Yvo, thanks for your response, but it doesn't quite answer my question.
> According to POV-Ray docs, INI files can have more than one "section", each
> (except the first) preceeded by a label in brackets, like so:
> ; Thumbnail
> Input_File_Name=test1.pov
> Output_File_Name=test1_thumbnail
> Width=80
> Height=60
> [Quick]
> Input_File_Name=test1.pov
> Output_File_Name=test1_quick
> Width=320
> Height=240
> Quality=6
> Declare=pb_quick=true
> [Small]
> Input_File_Name=test1.pov
> Output_File_Name=test1_small
> Width=320
> Height=240
> [Final]
> Input_File_Name=test1.pov
> Output_File_Name=test1
> Width=640
> Height=480
> Antialias=true
> I have used the official POV-Ray release for the Mac (currently broken), the
> Windows version, and the command-line version under Unix. All of them have
> a way to select these other INI sections. But I prefer to use the Mac most
> of the time, and as I said, the official release is currently broken under
> Mac OS X. So, I discovered MacMegaPOV, which seems great. The only thing I
> can't figure out how to do is to get it to pay attention to sections of an
> INI file other than the first. I know I can break apart my INI files into
> multiple ones, but I would prefer to use a single INI file with multiple
> sections if possible. Any ideas?
> Robert
> Yvo Smellenbergh wrote:
> >"Ironwolf" <nomail[at]nomail> wrote:
> >
> >> I have not found a way to make MacMegaPOV use other sections of an INI file
> >> other than the default (first) section when starting a render. Am I missing
> >> something?
> >
> >You can select an ini file in the 'Files & Paths' panel from the
> >preferences dialog.
> >Simply select that option and choose a valid ini file.
> >Only options set in that ini file will be used, all other options are
> >taken from the preferences dialog. The ini-file is used ass last,
> >overwriting all other settings.
> >
> >If you  set the 'write-ini' option in the 'Image & Quality' panel from
> >the rendering preferences a file will be written with *all* options.
> >Simply use that file as base, edit the settings you want to change and
> >choose it as ini-file to use for the next render.
> >
> >Does this answer your question?
> >
> >MacMegaPOV at:
> >http://users.skynet.be/smellenbergh
> >
> >E-mail: yvo### [at] gmxnet
> >

MacMegaPOV at:

E-mail: yvo### [at] gmxnet

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From: Ironwolf
Subject: Re: MacMegaPOV and INI Files
Date: 4 Jun 2003 08:55:01
Message: <web.3eddeb2d14f9b0ba3845dede0@news.povray.org>
For details on this feature, see the POV-Ray for Linux documention:

Section INI File Sections


Section 5.1.2: Using INI Files

Here is part of the latter section:

INI files may have labeled sections so that more than one set of options may
be stored in a single file. Each section begins with a label in []
brackets. For example:

  ; This sample INI file is used to set resolution.
  +W120 +H100  ; This section has no label.
               ; Select it with "RES"
  +W80 +H60    ; This section has a label.
               ; Select it with "RES[Low]"
  +W320 +H200  ; This section has a label.
               ; Select it with "RES[Med]"
  +W640 +H480  ; Labels are not case sensitive.
               ; "RES[high]" works
  [Really High]
  +W800 +H600  ; Labels may contain blanks

When you specify the INI file you should follow it with the section label in
brackets. For example...

  POVRAY RES[Med] +Imyfile.pov

POV-Ray reads res.ini and skips all options until it finds the label Med. It
processes options after that label until it finds another label and then it
skips. If no label is specified on the command line then only the unlabeled
area at the top of the file is read. If a label is specified, the unlabeled
area is ignored.

Yvo Smellenbergh wrote:
>I see what you mean now.
>Well, this is not possible in the current version of MacMegaPOV.
>As far as I know this isn't possible in the official version either, at
>least I can not figure out how or where it is listed in the
>I will try to add this feature for the next release if time permits.
>What you could do for now:
>- Make several settings in the preference dialog and save each of them.
>- You will only have to load the preferred setting and render your
>I do realize that  this isn't the same but it is a possibility once you
>are used to it.

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From: Yvo Smellenbergh
Subject: Re: MacMegaPOV and INI Files
Date: 4 Jun 2003 12:20:24
Message: <1fw1k7n.leecsdzfqixeN%yvos.s@gmx.net>
Yes, I understand but I meant that this feature is not supported by the
official Mac version.
Your first posting suggests that it does support this feature :-)

Only Unix and perhaps Windows are supporting this at the moment.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

But like I said before, I will try to add this feature for the next
release of MacMegaPOV.

"Ironwolf" <nomail@nomail> wrote:

> For details on this feature, see the POV-Ray for Linux documention:
> Section INI File Sections
> and
> Section 5.1.2: Using INI Files
> Here is part of the latter section:
> INI files may have labeled sections so that more than one set of options may
> be stored in a single file. Each section begins with a label in []
> brackets. For example:
>   ; RES.INI
>   ; This sample INI file is used to set resolution.
>   +W120 +H100  ; This section has no label.
>                ; Select it with "RES"
>   [Low]
>   +W80 +H60    ; This section has a label.
>                ; Select it with "RES[Low]"
>   [Med]
>   +W320 +H200  ; This section has a label.
>                ; Select it with "RES[Med]"
>   [High]
>   +W640 +H480  ; Labels are not case sensitive.
>                ; "RES[high]" works
>   [Really High]
>   +W800 +H600  ; Labels may contain blanks
> When you specify the INI file you should follow it with the section label in
> brackets. For example...
>   POVRAY RES[Med] +Imyfile.pov
> POV-Ray reads res.ini and skips all options until it finds the label Med. It
> processes options after that label until it finds another label and then it
> skips. If no label is specified on the command line then only the unlabeled
> area at the top of the file is read. If a label is specified, the unlabeled
> area is ignored.
> Yvo Smellenbergh wrote:
> >I see what you mean now.
> >Well, this is not possible in the current version of MacMegaPOV.
> >As far as I know this isn't possible in the official version either, at
> >least I can not figure out how or where it is listed in the
> >documentation.
> >
> >I will try to add this feature for the next release if time permits.
> >What you could do for now:
> >- Make several settings in the preference dialog and save each of them.
> >- You will only have to load the preferred setting and render your
> >scene.
> >
> >I do realize that  this isn't the same but it is a possibility once you
> >are used to it.
> >
> >Yvo

MacMegaPOV at:

E-mail: yvo### [at] gmxnet

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