POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Difficulty with rendering progress window Server Time
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  Difficulty with rendering progress window (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: ZenDragon
Subject: Difficulty with rendering progress window
Date: 24 Mar 2003 00:40:07
Message: <web.3e7e990fe50af90b245467e0@news.povray.org>
I'm running POV Ray on a rev B iMac, 233MHz with 96mb of RAM with OS 9.2.2.
I run into the following difficulty:

I can get a scene to render and saved so that I can open it in a different
program such as QuickTime Picture Viewer, but the rendering progress
dialogue box will not close.  It continues to run a striped bar along the
progress bar and never gets to showing progress.  I have let it run to see
if it was just slow, but it would run for more than an hour with no change.
 Pressing the stop button had no effect, nor did pressing the keyboard
command for stop or pause.  I could still operate in other windows, but
couldn't save work, render other projects or quit the program.  The only
option I had is a force quit, and this sometimes even crashed the computer.
 I'm not sure what to do about this, whether this is the result of a
deficiancy in my computer or a bug in the program, or whether I am simply
commiting an act of OTS (operator too stupid).

I hope someone out there can help me fix this difficulty so I can use this
neat program.

Dragons of the Dawn

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From: Crassworm
Subject: Re: Difficulty with rendering progress window
Date: 31 Mar 2003 19:40:02
Message: <web.3e88deb29ac165e3d9e387750@news.povray.org>
ZenDragon wrote:
>I'm running POV Ray on a rev B iMac, 233MHz with 96mb of RAM with OS 9.2.2.
>I run into the following difficulty:
>I can get a scene to render and saved so that I can open it in a different
>program such as QuickTime Picture Viewer, but the rendering progress
>dialogue box will not close.  It continues to run a striped bar along the
>progress bar and never gets to showing progress.  I have let it run to see
>if it was just slow, but it would run for more than an hour with no change.
> Pressing the stop button had no effect, nor did pressing the keyboard
>command for stop or pause.  I could still operate in other windows, but
>couldn't save work, render other projects or quit the program.  The only
>option I had is a force quit, and this sometimes even crashed the computer.
> I'm not sure what to do about this, whether this is the result of a
>deficiancy in my computer or a bug in the program, or whether I am simply
>commiting an act of OTS (operator too stupid).
>I hope someone out there can help me fix this difficulty so I can use this
>neat program.
>Dragons of the Dawn

I got that too... i have the same comp as u.  I downloaded an independent
povray patch called MacMegaPOV and it works fine!!

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From: Bent
Subject: Re: Difficulty with rendering progress window
Date: 15 Sep 2003 16:45:01
Message: <web.3f66242c9ac165e3d680324d0@news.povray.org>
Crassworm wrote:
>ZenDragon wrote:
>>I'm running POV Ray on a rev B iMac, 233MHz with 96mb of RAM with OS 9.2.2.
>>I run into the following difficulty:
>>I can get a scene to render and saved so that I can open it in a different
>>program such as QuickTime Picture Viewer, but the rendering progress
>>dialogue box will not close.  It continues to run a striped bar along the
>>progress bar and never gets to showing progress.  I have let it run to see
>>if it was just slow, but it would run for more than an hour with no change.
>> Pressing the stop button had no effect, nor did pressing the keyboard
>>command for stop or pause.  I could still operate in other windows, but
>>couldn't save work, render other projects or quit the program.  The only
>>option I had is a force quit, and this sometimes even crashed the computer.
>> I'm not sure what to do about this, whether this is the result of a
>>deficiancy in my computer or a bug in the program, or whether I am simply
>>commiting an act of OTS (operator too stupid).
>>I hope someone out there can help me fix this difficulty so I can use this
>>neat program.
>>Dragons of the Dawn
>I got that too... i have the same comp as u.  I downloaded an independent
>povray patch called MacMegaPOV and it works fine!!

Ditto here... going to try MacMegaPOV.
My computer is different, though - I have a beige G3 tower.



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