POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Render POVray file from Applescript Server Time
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  Render POVray file from Applescript (Message 1 to 10 of 10)  
From: markus
Subject: Render POVray file from Applescript
Date: 4 Mar 2003 18:55:05
Message: <web.3e653c5999ca634a501a36f50@news.povray.org>
I am new to the Apple version of POVray. What is the AppleScript to render a
..pov file. I am familiar with rendering a file from the DOS command, but I
am struggling with the MAC counterpart. I am running OS 9.2.2.

Thank you, Markus.

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From: Martin Crisp
Subject: Re: Render POVray file from Applescript
Date: 4 Mar 2003 22:55:12
Message: <0001HW.BA8BC04F000AABCDF0284600@news.povray.org>
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 10:52:57 +1100, markus wrote
(in message <web.3e653c5999ca634a501a36f50@news.povray.org>):

> I am new to the Apple version of POVray. What is the AppleScript 
> to render a ..pov file. I am familiar with rendering a file from 
> the DOS command, but I am struggling with the MAC counterpart. I 
> am running OS 9.2.2. 

I'm running OS X, but this should still apply to 9.2.2...

You can't, directly.

What you might be able to achieve is:
Use AppleScript to tell POV-Ray to open the .pov file you want [you 
could certainly use applescript to make that file...], and then use 
a scripting addition to select the 'render' menu item. [Sandi's 
Additions used to do this, but I don't know what's out there for 
this at the moment...]

To find out what AppleScript support POV-Ray has, use the Script 
Editor's file menu "Open Dictionary" item and select POV-Ray. 
You'll see there is no 'render' command.

You might be able to achieve what you want with the Preferences -> 
Actions -> Startup and termination script actions [But I can't be 
sure because the 'set' buttons don't seem to do anything for me...]

Have Fun
What I do that you wouldn't
What you do that I wouldn't

Almost always SMASHed

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Render POVray file from Applescript
Date: 5 Mar 2003 03:39:10
Message: <3e65b7ae$1@news.povray.org>
In article <0001HW.BA8BC04F000AABCDF0284600@news.povray.org> , Martin Crisp
<Spa### [at] tesseractcomau>  wrote:

> I'm running OS X, but this should still apply to 9.2.2...
> You can't, directly.
> To find out what AppleScript support POV-Ray has, use the Script
> Editor's file menu "Open Dictionary" item and select POV-Ray.
> You'll see there is no 'render' command.

You can.  Many commands are just not in the dictionary due to lack of time.
Nevertheless, the whole application is recordable.  Thus, recording the
desired action will yield the (I have to admit cryptic) AppleScript code
that will do the job.


Thorsten Froehlich
e-mail: mac### [at] povrayorg

I am a member of the POV-Ray Team.
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: markus
Subject: Re: Render POVray file from Applescript
Date: 5 Mar 2003 19:55:15
Message: <web.3e669c2e144a413baff303fc0@news.povray.org>
Thank you! I'll give it a whirl.


Thorsten Froehlich wrote:
>In article <0001HW.BA8BC04F000AABCDF0284600[at]news.povray.org> , Martin Crisp
><Spa### [at] tesseractcomau>  wrote:
>> I'm running OS X, but this should still apply to 9.2.2...
>> You can't, directly.
>> To find out what AppleScript support POV-Ray has, use the Script
>> Editor's file menu "Open Dictionary" item and select POV-Ray.
>> You'll see there is no 'render' command.
>You can.  Many commands are just not in the dictionary due to lack of time.
>Nevertheless, the whole application is recordable.  Thus, recording the
>desired action will yield the (I have to admit cryptic) AppleScript code
>that will do the job.
>    Thorsten
>Thorsten Froehlich
>e-mail: mac### [at] povrayorg
>I am a member of the POV-Ray Team.
>Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Martin Crisp
Subject: Re: Render POVray file from Applescript
Date: 5 Mar 2003 22:00:11
Message: <web.3e66b8d6144a413b50812eff0@news.povray.org>
Thorsten Froehlich wrote:
>In article <0001HW.BA8BC04F000AABCDF0284600[at]news.povray.org> , Martin Crisp
><Spa### [at] tesseractcomau>  wrote:
>> I'm running OS X, but this should still apply to 9.2.2...
>> You can't, directly.
>> To find out what AppleScript support POV-Ray has, use the Script
>> Editor's file menu "Open Dictionary" item and select POV-Ray.
>> You'll see there is no 'render' command.
>You can.

D'oh! Correction much appreciated.

>Many commands are just not in the dictionary due to lack of time.
>Nevertheless, the whole application is recordable.  Thus, recording the
>desired action will yield the (I have to admit cryptic) AppleScript code
>that will do the job.

I'll have a look...

[btw: any hints on how to convince OS X to include POV-Ray's help in the
"Help Centre"? I can navigate to it but...]

Have Fun

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From: Martin Crisp
Subject: Re: Render POVray file from Applescript
Date: 6 Mar 2003 05:09:12
Message: <0001HW.BA8D697B006E520FF0305600@news.povray.org>
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 19:39:09 +1100, Thorsten Froehlich wrote
(in message <3e65b7ae$1@news.povray.org>):

> In article <0001HW.BA8BC04F000AABCDF0284600@news.povray.org> , Martin Crisp
> <Spa### [at] tesseractcomau>  wrote:
>> I'm running OS X, but this should still apply to 9.2.2...
>> You can't, directly.
> <snip>
>> To find out what AppleScript support POV-Ray has, use the Script
>> Editor's file menu "Open Dictionary" item and select POV-Ray.
>> You'll see there is no 'render' command.
> You can.  Many commands are just not in the dictionary due to lack of time.
> Nevertheless, the whole application is recordable.  Thus, recording the
> desired action will yield the (I have to admit cryptic) AppleScript code
> that will do the job.

OK, I had a play.
[recorded: launch POV-Ray, open existing file, render it]
Cryptic is a good description :-) e.g. I can't see where a render 
is triggered in the recorded script. [Also on running the recorded 
script I get an error, do you want a bug report?]

Are there any quick and dirty notes available that might help (or 
should I just leave it be until it's 'more ready' since it, 
apparently, isn't a dev-team priority for this release)?

Have Fun
1)        (7,1,4)

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Render POVray file from Applescript
Date: 6 Mar 2003 16:36:20
Message: <3e67bf54@news.povray.org>
In article <web.3e66b8d6144a413b50812eff0@news.povray.org> , "Martin Crisp"
<spa### [at] tesseractcomau> wrote:

> [btw: any hints on how to convince OS X to include POV-Ray's help in the
> "Help Centre"? I can navigate to it but...]

If you find one how an application can do that without an installer, I would
also like to know ... probably a simple trick one just has to figure out but
(sill?) nobody bothered to document what is different from doing the same in
Mac OS :-(


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Render POVray file from Applescript
Date: 6 Mar 2003 16:39:02
Message: <3e67bff6$1@news.povray.org>
In article <0001HW.BA8D697B006E520FF0305600@news.povray.org> , Martin Crisp
<Spa### [at] tesseractcomau>  wrote:

> OK, I had a play.
> [recorded: launch POV-Ray, open existing file, render it]
> Cryptic is a good description :-) e.g. I can't see where a render
> is triggered in the recorded script. [Also on running the recorded
> script I get an error, do you want a bug report?]

No, you could just strat writing the dictionary ... it is unfortuantely a
lot of time consuming work to get it right.

> Are there any quick and dirty notes available that might help (or
> should I just leave it be until it's 'more ready' since it,
> apparently, isn't a dev-team priority for this release)?

Indeed, it has low priority.  Everything needed can be found in the source
code of course, but creating a AETE resource that big takes a lot of time
required for higher priority tasks.


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Martin Crisp
Subject: Re: Render POVray file from Applescript
Date: 6 Mar 2003 19:18:24
Message: <0001HW.BA8E3085009CF861F0407600@news.povray.org>
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 8:38:58 +1100, Thorsten Froehlich wrote
(in message <3e67bff6$1@news.povray.org>):

> In article <0001HW.BA8D697B006E520FF0305600@news.povray.org> , Martin Crisp
> <Spa### [at] tesseractcomau>  wrote:
>> OK, I had a play.
>> [recorded: launch POV-Ray, open existing file, render it]
>> Cryptic is a good description :-) e.g. I can't see where a render
>> is triggered in the recorded script. [Also on running the recorded
>> script I get an error, do you want a bug report?]
> No, you could just strat writing the dictionary ... it is unfortuantely a
> lot of time consuming work to get it right.

At this point I don't have the skills [I think I have about 2/3 of 
an idea of what needs to be done, which probably means I only have 
1/3... my reading list includes more on Interapplication 
Communication, but it's a ways down that list...] :-(

>> Are there any quick and dirty notes available that might help (or
>> should I just leave it be until it's 'more ready' since it,
>> apparently, isn't a dev-team priority for this release)?
> Indeed, it has low priority.  Everything needed can be found in the source
> code of course, but creating a AETE resource that big takes a lot of time
> required for higher priority tasks.

I can well imagine. I'd love to be in a position to offer to take 
the task on, unfortunately I can't.

Have Fun
What I do that you wouldn't
What you do that I wouldn't

Almost always SMASHed

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From: Martin Crisp
Subject: Re: Render POVray file from Applescript
Date: 6 Mar 2003 19:44:50
Message: <0001HW.BA8E36B7009E6C0BF0407600@news.povray.org>
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 8:36:16 +1100, Thorsten Froehlich wrote
(in message <3e67bf54@news.povray.org>):

> In article <web.3e66b8d6144a413b50812eff0@news.povray.org> , "Martin Crisp"
> <spa### [at] tesseractcomau> wrote:
>> [btw: any hints on how to convince OS X to include POV-Ray's help in the
>> "Help Centre"? I can navigate to it but...]

Actually, the idx file is grayed out (I can open the html 

> If you find one how an application can do that without an 
> installer, I would also like to know ... probably a simple trick 
> one just has to figure out but (sill?) nobody bothered to 
> document what is different from doing the same in Mac OS :-( 

Not helped when the Help Viewer is buggy under 10.2.4...
e.g. changing font size causes it to not follow links properly - as 
if the developer doc wasn't hard enough to follow. :-/

One of the apps (iGetter) I've installed since moving to 10.2.4 is 
a drag-install, and it appears in help viewer, but I can't recall 
if it showed automatically, or if I chose its help item in the 
application. [But, strangely, I can't find its idx file.]

I'll have a bit of a play and see if I can figure this out a bit 

Have Fun
What I do that you wouldn't
What you do that I wouldn't

Almost always SMASHed

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