POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : um, one more please? can I launch an applescript from POV-Ray? Server Time
22 Dec 2024 17:03:11 EST (-0500)
  um, one more please? can I launch an applescript from POV-Ray? (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: tim
Subject: um, one more please? can I launch an applescript from POV-Ray?
Date: 6 Nov 2002 13:20:03
Message: <web.3dc95c74da9da3262a5c704b0@news.povray.org>
at the risk of wearing out my welcome, I have yet another question, and then
my simple rendering life will be complete.  I want to batch render a bunch
of files, then have POV-Ray (3.5, Mac OS X) launch an applescript when

I did try the obvious this time ;-) - pointed to my AS file in
Preferences:Actions:Actions after all jobs finished.  but the AS never
launches (it does work from the Finder), even though the Play sound option
works.  the AS, in case it matters, tells POV-Ray to quit, then
sends me an email page.

I thought POV-Ray could fire applescripts in this way - am I wrong? or have
I just mucked up the syntax?

thanks again,


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