POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : mac pov-ray 3.5 and opening files Server Time
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  mac pov-ray 3.5 and opening files (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: tim
Subject: mac pov-ray 3.5 and opening files
Date: 2 Nov 2002 21:45:11
Message: <web.3dc48ce853ac2ad32a5c704b0@news.povray.org>

apologies up front if I am beating a dead horse; I did look thru the list
but couldn't find any answers.

I have a pov file that I created in win2k, then compressed and ftp'd to my
Mac (G4 PB, 800MHz).  the file will open in Pov-Ray 3.5 (build 173) under
OS X 10.1.5, after I open it in BBEdit and save it out with Mac line
endings and BBEdit creator.  no problem, except parsing and rendering take
a long time in OS X - a very long time, in some cases.

I really need to render faster, so I booted my PB in 9.2.2, launched Pov-Ray
3.5 again, and it won't open the file at all.  the exact error msg is:

The file "m06v01.pov" could not be used.
Error: can not open file (-108).

other files that have gone thru the same process (win2k to mac) give the
same error.  I've tried (per other list msgs) changing the file extension
to .pov.txt; copying the contents of the file opened in BBEdit and pasting
into a blank Pov-Ray document (Paste is not available); saving the file in
OSX Pov-Ray first; opening and saving the file in Pov-Ray 3.5 for windows
first.  no luck.

can anyone help?  OS X is fine, but much too slow for the batch of files I
need to render.

thanks for any help,

<lis### [at] molvisionscom>

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: mac pov-ray 3.5 and opening files
Date: 3 Nov 2002 06:38:55
Message: <3dc50acf$1@news.povray.org>
In article <web.3dc48ce853ac2ad32a5c704b0@news.povray.org> , "tim" 
<nomail@nomail> wrote:

> The file "m06v01.pov" could not be used.
> Error: can not open file (-108).

Your memory is full because you did not allocate enough memory for POV-Ray.


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Fidel viegas
Subject: Re: mac pov-ray 3.5 and opening files
Date: 3 Nov 2002 15:54:19
Message: <B9EB3C54.63FC%fidel.viegas@artrecognition.co.uk>
in article 3dc50acf$1@news.povray.org, Thorsten Froehlich at tho### [at] trfde
wrote on 3/11/02 11:38 am:

> In article <web.3dc48ce853ac2ad32a5c704b0@news.povray.org> , "tim"
> <nomail@nomail> wrote:
>> The file "m06v01.pov" could not be used.
>> Error: can not open file (-108).
> Your memory is full because you did not allocate enough memory for POV-Ray.

Not always the case. I had this problem before. But when I opened the file
with BBEdit and resaved it, it opened it properly.
I didn't have any problems opening it on Mac OS 9.2 either, and neither from
the classic environment.

Anyway, just hope that work when resaving the file with BBEdit.

Al the best


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From: Kaveh
Subject: Re: mac pov-ray 3.5 and opening files
Date: 4 Nov 2002 06:11:33
Message: <1fl4akt.n8u8mf1mqp2fiN%kaveh@delete_this.focalimage.com>
"tim" <nomail@nomail> wrote:


> I have a pov file that I created in win2k, then compressed and ftp'd to my
> Mac (G4 PB, 800MHz).  the file will open in Pov-Ray 3.5 (build 173) under
> OS X 10.1.5, after I open it in BBEdit and save it out with Mac line
> endings and BBEdit creator.  no problem, except parsing and rendering take
> a long time in OS X - a very long time, in some cases.


Have you tried clicking on "Faster rendering" in preferences -> general?


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From: tim
Subject: Re: mac pov-ray 3.5 and opening files
Date: 4 Nov 2002 12:10:06
Message: <web.3dc6a8067472d30b2a5c704b0@news.povray.org>
Thorsten Froehlich wrote:
>In article <web.3dc48ce853ac2ad32a5c704b0[at]news.povray.org> , "tim"
><nomail[at]nomail> wrote:
>> The file "m06v01.pov" could not be used.
>> Error: can not open file (-108).
>Your memory is full because you did not allocate enough memory for POV-Ray.
>    Thorsten

doh!  yep,  I gave 125 MB to POV-Ray that let me open the file.  thanks,

unfortunately, I didn't get far ;-(   the file is 11.6 MB; I have 512 MB RAM
on this 800 MHz PB.  the file is open now, but I'm stuck at the Rendering
Progress box.  it says "Starting" but no details and no messages, and it's
been spinning for about 15 minutes.

fwiw, this file takes 7 min to render on the same machine under OS X 10.1.5
(same copy of Pov-Ray), and it takes about 2 minutes on a 667 MHz IBM
Netvista.  on the Mac side, Preview is off and Render Quality is 9 (no AA).

more help for a newbie?



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