POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Editor preferences are not used for opened files Server Time
22 Dec 2024 16:10:13 EST (-0500)
  Editor preferences are not used for opened files (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Renderdog
Subject: Editor preferences are not used for opened files
Date: 22 Oct 2002 12:45:08
Message: <web.3db57f3c981585987ba9929f0@news.povray.org>
I've set my Edit-> Preferences...-> Editor font to Courier 12, but when I
open new windows they come up in the default font and size. Only by
reselecting the Courier popup in Preferences do the windows display using
my editor preference font settings.

Is this problem unique to me? I'm using POV-Ray Mac 3.5 on a PowerBook G4
running OS 9.2.2

While I'm here, it would be nice (for me anyway) if POV-Ray Mac asked if you
were sure you wanted to quit. I use the apple-1 and apple-2 keys to pop up
windows and sometimes I accidentally hit apple-q. It will quit without
question even if I've modified some text.

Other than these minor complaints, I've found the editor a joy to use; the
color coding really helps code clarity.

Okay, one other question. POV-Ray Mac crashes when I try to render a large
PICT file, such as 6600x4400 resolution. PNG and Targa work fine, but
Photoshop won't let me look at partial renders in those formats so I prefer
PICT. Is there a limit to how big a PICT file can be?

Thanks for any help,
Mark Slone

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