POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Animation problems with INI files, etc Server Time
22 Dec 2024 16:33:55 EST (-0500)
  Animation problems with INI files, etc (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Kaveh
Subject: Animation problems with INI files, etc
Date: 29 Aug 2002 02:00:24
Message: <web.3d6db81ac9f574fa1e1615b30@news.povray.org>
I am using povray 3.5, build 173, under OS X, 10.5.1.

As I understand it, there are three ways to control animation:

1. File settings/Animation
2. INI file
3. Command line

I don't want to use command line if possible. I am happy with 1 and 2, and
prefer 2, i.e. INI file control. But I have problems with both these.

I cannot get the ini file to be read. In "povray application
preference:scenes" I have set it to read the INI file. But it always
ignores the INI file for the .pov file I am rendering. Please suggest what
I might be doing wrong.

With method 1, it starts working, but always hangs after writing about 8
pict files. The rotating CD appears, and the only way out is a force quit.
I have tried this with several files, including the supplied povray

Appreciate any thoughts.


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