POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Thanks for POV-Ray 3.5! Server Time
22 Dec 2024 16:08:40 EST (-0500)
  Thanks for POV-Ray 3.5! (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Renderdog
Subject: Thanks for POV-Ray 3.5!
Date: 14 Aug 2002 01:40:04
Message: <web.3d59ebc018b2f3d6629c2f6b0@news.povray.org>

such a standout product. Thanks also to all the other good people who
donated their time and effort to bring us POV-Ray 3.5, one awesome Killer

As a beginner POV'er who waited until after the beta test phase to try 3.5,
I've found it a pleasure to work with. Most commercial software is not as
bug-free as I've found POV-Ray Mac 3.5 the past few weeks. I'm looking
forward to many hours (and hours and hours) of coding and creating and
playing with this wonderful new toy!

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