POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : 3.5 render bug? Server Time
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  3.5 render bug? (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: Simon Lemieux
Subject: 3.5 render bug?
Date: 18 Nov 2002 23:26:11
Message: <reishi-EDFF72.23290818112002@netplex.aussie.org>
  I just downloaded POV-Ray 3.5 for the Mac and tried to render a very 
simple scene (sphere lit by light).  I tried this on a iBook and an old 
PPC with same results.  When I start the render, everything goes fine 
and the RenderQueue opens saying the render is being done and another 
window opens with the image slowly appearing (as it should be!).  But at 
the end...  when the image is finished and everything seems alright, I 
close the render window, and looking at the render queue, I see the 
render is not yet completed, actually the render queue does not seem to 
know how much it is completed, it displays a dumb progress bar (//  //  
//  //) instead of the usual progess bar (||||||||----).  I click the 
render and try to make it stop, but nothing happens...

  Actually, I have to force quit Povray and reload it in order to render 
my scene again, and all this just to tweek the color of the sphere!

  Has anyone had this kind of trouble before?  How could I get the 
render to work and finish properly?


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From: Simon Lemieux
Subject: Re: 3.5 render bug?
Date: 19 Nov 2002 14:14:41
Message: <3DDA8E51.D7ED6FE0@no_spam.com>
Ok, I took the time to read more about the problem and it seem to be a
common one with MacOS 9 (9.1 here).  I will probably download a copy of
Povray 3.1g, though I wonder if MegaPOV has the sphere sweep I'm
interested in! ;)

Thanks anyway!

I wrote:
> Hi,
>   I just downloaded POV-Ray 3.5 for the Mac and tried to render a very
> simple scene (sphere lit by light).  I tried this on a iBook and an old
> PPC with same results.  When I start the render, everything goes fine
> and the RenderQueue opens saying the render is being done and another
> window opens with the image slowly appearing (as it should be!).  But at
> the end...  when the image is finished and everything seems alright, I
> close the render window, and looking at the render queue, I see the
> render is not yet completed, actually the render queue does not seem to
> know how much it is completed, it displays a dumb progress bar (//  //
> //  //) instead of the usual progess bar (||||||||----).  I click the
> render and try to make it stop, but nothing happens...
>   Actually, I have to force quit Povray and reload it in order to render
> my scene again, and all this just to tweek the color of the sphere!
>   Has anyone had this kind of trouble before?  How could I get the
> render to work and finish properly?
> Thanks,
>   Simon

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From: Ryan Mooney
Subject: Re: 3.5 render bug?
Date: 20 Nov 2002 03:29:31
Message: <3DDB47EE.5ED04E92@earthlink.net>
Sphere sweep and Spline functions are in Mega Pov... I am not sure how they
compare to 3.5... Good luck and happy poving... =]

Simon Lemieux wrote:

> Ok, I took the time to read more about the problem and it seem to be a
> common one with MacOS 9 (9.1 here).  I will probably download a copy of
> Povray 3.1g, though I wonder if MegaPOV has the sphere sweep I'm
> interested in! ;)
> Thanks anyway!
>   Simon
> I wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >   I just downloaded POV-Ray 3.5 for the Mac and tried to render a very
> > simple scene (sphere lit by light).  I tried this on a iBook and an old
> > PPC with same results.  When I start the render, everything goes fine
> > and the RenderQueue opens saying the render is being done and another
> > window opens with the image slowly appearing (as it should be!).  But at
> > the end...  when the image is finished and everything seems alright, I
> > close the render window, and looking at the render queue, I see the
> > render is not yet completed, actually the render queue does not seem to
> > know how much it is completed, it displays a dumb progress bar (//  //
> > //  //) instead of the usual progess bar (||||||||----).  I click the
> > render and try to make it stop, but nothing happens...
> >
> >   Actually, I have to force quit Povray and reload it in order to render
> > my scene again, and all this just to tweek the color of the sphere!
> >
> >   Has anyone had this kind of trouble before?  How could I get the
> > render to work and finish properly?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >   Simon

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From: Simon Lemieux
Subject: Re: 3.5 render bug?
Date: 20 Nov 2002 19:01:08
Message: <3DDC22F5.33F1DD2E@no_spam.com>
> Sphere sweep and Spline functions are in Mega Pov... I am not sure how they
> compare to 3.5... Good luck and happy poving... =]

Actually, I installed 3.1g and tried only with spheres, it took over 3
hours to render a preview of my scene on this computer...  Ok there were
a lot of spheres, I think there were around 10 000 of them...  I don't
think I'll be able or actually that I'll have the will to work on a slow
computer like this with povray...  Unfortunately...

Check the render I did in p.bin.images called "SuperSinusoidal".


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From: Ryan Mooney
Subject: Re: 3.5 render bug?
Date: 24 Nov 2002 16:41:53
Message: <3DE147A8.37E3D29@earthlink.net>
Yes that image could have easily taken half a day to render on my old mac 7100
at 80 mhz and i had like 70 some mgs of RAM... =] I love my new iBook... =]
Good luck with every thing... =]
R... =]

Simon Lemieux wrote:

> > Sphere sweep and Spline functions are in Mega Pov... I am not sure how they
> > compare to 3.5... Good luck and happy poving... =]
> Actually, I installed 3.1g and tried only with spheres, it took over 3
> hours to render a preview of my scene on this computer...  Ok there were
> a lot of spheres, I think there were around 10 000 of them...  I don't
> think I'll be able or actually that I'll have the will to work on a slow
> computer like this with povray...  Unfortunately...
> Check the render I did in p.bin.images called "SuperSinusoidal".
> Thanks,
>   Simon

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From: Simon Lemieux
Subject: Re: 3.5 render bug?
Date: 29 Nov 2002 22:18:17
Message: <3DE82EB0.20379C4D@no_spam.com>
Ryan Mooney wrote:
> Yes that image could have easily taken half a day to render on my old mac 7100
> at 80 mhz and i had like 70 some mgs of RAM... =] I love my new iBook... =]
> Good luck with every thing... =]
> R... =]

Well, I may be able to use my mother's iBook sometimes and render for
the finals will be done by friends with 1Ghz PCs...!

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From: Tom
Subject: Re: 3.5 render bug?
Date: 2 Dec 2002 18:25:03
Message: <web.3debeb49668ea80f924936bf0@news.povray.org>
That sounds exactly like what is happening to me. I'm running a 500Mhz G3
iMac with System 9.2.2 and more or less that is what happens to me,
although sometimes, I don't even get the preview screen, despite the fact
that I've enabled it.

Does anyone know what can be done about this?

Pov-Ray 3.5 runs perfectly under OS9.x my arse.......


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