POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : It works! Server Time
22 Dec 2024 11:06:16 EST (-0500)
  It works! (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Matthew Pace
Subject: It works!
Date: 27 Oct 2003 19:24:04
Message: <matt-pace-9F4425.16240427102003@netplex.aussie.org>
Note to all macintosh users:  POV-RAY 3.5 opens files seamlessly in OS 
10.3 ("Panther").  So, if you were waiting to update, and you have 
Panther, the wait is not needed!.


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From: Scott Gammans
Subject: Re: It works!
Date: 29 Oct 2003 09:44:00
Message: <3f9fd230$1@news.povray.org>
Unfortunately Panther breaks some of the other OS X applications that I use
(most notably LightWave 7.5C), but that's good to know... thanks Matthew!

"Matthew Pace" <mat### [at] lycoscom> wrote in message
news:mat### [at] netplexaussieorg...
> Note to all macintosh users:  POV-RAY 3.5 opens files seamlessly in OS
> 10.3 ("Panther").  So, if you were waiting to update, and you have
> Panther, the wait is not needed!.
> ~Matt

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From: Scott Gammans
Subject: Re: It works!
Date: 30 Oct 2003 18:05:01
Message: <web.3fa1983d6d7771a85aba4bf0@news.povray.org>
I would love to know what you did, Matt, because I just installed Panther on
my G5 and POV-Ray 3.5 is still misbehaving. It no longer *crashes* when you
try to open a file, but it still refuses to actually open any *.pov or
*.inc files. The batch renderer doesn't work either.

Matthew Pace wrote:
>Note to all macintosh users:  POV-RAY 3.5 opens files seamlessly in OS
>10.3 ("Panther").  So, if you were waiting to update, and you have
>Panther, the wait is not needed!.

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From: Matthew Pace
Subject: Re: It works!
Date: 3 Nov 2003 22:33:20
Message: <matt-pace-DD615C.19331703112003@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <web.3fa1983d6d7771a85aba4bf0@news.povray.org>,
 "Scott Gammans" <deepgloathatesspamaatyahoodotcom> wrote:

> I would love to know what you did, Matt, because I just installed Panther on
> my G5 and POV-Ray 3.5 is still misbehaving. It no longer *crashes* when you
> try to open a file, but it still refuses to actually open any *.pov or
> *.inc files. The batch renderer doesn't work either.
> Matthew Pace wrote:
> >Note to all macintosh users:  POV-RAY 3.5 opens files seamlessly in OS
> >10.3 ("Panther").  So, if you were waiting to update, and you have
> >Panther, the wait is not needed!.
> >
> >~Matt
> >

I started out by installing Panther ;) .  Then it worked.  The problem 
may be because you are using a G5.  I havent tested POV on our G5 yet, 
most notably because we do not have a monitor for it.  Everything runs 
fine, albeit rather slow, on my G4 800mhz with Panther

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From: Scott Gammans
Subject: Re: It works!
Date: 4 Nov 2003 15:26:48
Message: <3fa80b88$1@news.povray.org>
Thanks. It turns out that it doesn't really matter anyway, since I need to
be able to run POV-Ray from a batch file to work around an image map memory
bug I've already reported with long-running animations, and of course there
is no command line on Macintoshes (at least not the GUI version of POV-Ray).
Since animations have to be run completely from within POV-Ray/Mac and the
bug seems to also exist on the Mac, there's not much point in trying to get
the existing POV-Ray/Mac to work until the final version 3.5.1 comes out
(which apparently no longer exhibits the memory allocation bug I reported).

"Matthew Pace" <mat### [at] lycoscom> wrote in message
news:mat### [at] netplexaussieorg...
> In article <web.3fa1983d6d7771a85aba4bf0@news.povray.org>,
>  "Scott Gammans" <deepgloathatesspamaatyahoodotcom> wrote:
> > I would love to know what you did, Matt, because I just installed
Panther on
> > my G5 and POV-Ray 3.5 is still misbehaving. It no longer *crashes* when
> > try to open a file, but it still refuses to actually open any *.pov or
> > *.inc files. The batch renderer doesn't work either.
> >
> > Matthew Pace wrote:
> > >Note to all macintosh users:  POV-RAY 3.5 opens files seamlessly in OS
> > >10.3 ("Panther").  So, if you were waiting to update, and you have
> > >Panther, the wait is not needed!.
> > >
> > >~Matt
> > >
> >
> I started out by installing Panther ;) .  Then it worked.  The problem
> may be because you are using a G5.  I havent tested POV on our G5 yet,
> most notably because we do not have a monitor for it.  Everything runs
> fine, albeit rather slow, on my G4 800mhz with Panther

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From: Matthew Pace
Subject: Re: It works!
Date: 5 Nov 2003 19:15:23
Message: <matt-pace-5D3883.16152205112003@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <3f9fd230$1@news.povray.org>,
 "Scott Gammans" <dee### [at] yahoocom> wrote:

> Unfortunately Panther breaks some of the other OS X applications that I use
> (most notably LightWave 7.5C), but that's good to know... thanks Matthew!
> "Matthew Pace" <mat### [at] lycoscom> wrote in message
> news:mat### [at] netplexaussieorg...
> > Note to all macintosh users:  POV-RAY 3.5 opens files seamlessly in OS
> > 10.3 ("Panther").  So, if you were waiting to update, and you have
> > Panther, the wait is not needed!.
> >
> > ~Matt

you can install X11 from apple, then install fink, a tool to download 
programs easily.  Once you do that, simply type "fink install povray" 
without the quotes, and youll be set to go with a command-line version 
of povray.

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