POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : a modeler Server Time
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  a modeler (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Matthew Pace
Subject: a modeler
Date: 26 Aug 2003 20:51:51
Message: <matt-pace-9794D0.17515126082003@netplex.aussie.org>
hi, my names matt, you may have recently seen me in the new users or 
tutorials area.  I have been using povray for almost a year, off and on, 
now, and i love it.  i am disappointed, however, at the lack of 
modelers.  my first question, does anyone know of any free ones worth 
using (even for X11, i have started using that recently).  secondly, i 
am thinking of making a modeler for povray (this may take awhile).  
would you be willing to pay $5 or $10 dollars (as i have no job, no car, 
and need some income) for a modeler that did meshes, splines, bicubic 
patches, and possibly more advanced stuff?  would you prefer carbon or 
cocoa?  would anyone like to help in making the program?  im looking for 
suggestions, ideas, and general input right now.  thanks for your time,

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From: RJay
Subject: Re: a modeler
Date: 27 Aug 2003 10:34:48
Message: <rhansenxremovex-C55FE8.09411227082003@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <mat### [at] netplexaussieorg>,
 Matthew Pace <mat### [at] lycoscom> wrote:

>   hi, my names matt, you may have recently seen me in the new users or 
> tutorials area.  I have been using povray for almost a year, off and on, 
> now, and i love it.  i am disappointed, however, at the lack of 
> modelers.  my first question, does anyone know of any free ones worth 
> using (even for X11, i have started using that recently).  secondly, i 
> am thinking of making a modeler for povray (this may take awhile).  
> would you be willing to pay $5 or $10 dollars (as i have no job, no car, 
> and need some income) for a modeler that did meshes, splines, bicubic 
> patches, and possibly more advanced stuff?  would you prefer carbon or 
> cocoa?  would anyone like to help in making the program?  im looking for 
> suggestions, ideas, and general input right now.  thanks for your time,
> ~matt

Take a look at Art of Illusion, available here:


It's a free, open source 3D program, written in Java and does modeling, 
animation, rendering, procedural textures etc. Someone wrote a POV-Ray 
3.5 export module and in my experimentation with it so far, it does a 
nice job of writing out POV-Ray files, including textures.

It runs real well on my B&W G3 in OS X. The developer uses a Mac, and I 
think he's done most, if not all the development in OS 9. I'm pretty 
impressed with it so far.

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From: David Burnett
Subject: Re: a modeler
Date: 27 Aug 2003 15:33:06
Message: <3f4d0772$1@news.povray.org>
Matthew Pace wrote:

> now, and i love it.  i am disappointed, however, at the lack of 
> modelers.  my first question, does anyone know of any free ones worth 
> using 

AoI already got a mention, so I'll start with Wings3d at
www.wings3d.org which is currently joining in the software
patent protest (I notice www.povray.org isn't though...) so you'll
have to wait until thursday, european time to download it.


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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: a modeler
Date: 28 Aug 2003 05:33:25
Message: <3f4dcc65@news.povray.org>
In article <3f4d0772$1@news.povray.org> , David Burnett 
<var### [at] ntlworldcom>  wrote:

> AoI already got a mention, so I'll start with Wings3d at
> www.wings3d.org which is currently joining in the software
> patent protest (I notice www.povray.org isn't though...)

Who knows, maybe it would be a good thing to patent some of the more trivial
algorithms in POV-Ray.  It could prevent the commercial competition from
using the same methods, and there is no law that requires someone to license
something to someone else ;-) ;-) ;-)


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Patrick Elliott
Subject: Re: a modeler
Date: 28 Aug 2003 17:41:48
Message: <MPG.19b823b99ad0731d989889@news.povray.org>
In article <3f4dcc65@news.povray.org>, tho### [at] trfde says...
> In article <3f4d0772$1@news.povray.org> , David Burnett 
> <var### [at] ntlworldcom>  wrote:
> > AoI already got a mention, so I'll start with Wings3d at
> > www.wings3d.org which is currently joining in the software
> > patent protest (I notice www.povray.org isn't though...)
> Who knows, maybe it would be a good thing to patent some of the more trivial
> algorithms in POV-Ray.  It could prevent the commercial competition from
> using the same methods, and there is no law that requires someone to license
> something to someone else ;-) ;-) ;-)
>     Thorsten
The irony here is that in the patent frenzied BS world, you should 
probably do it anyway, so that a year from now some other asshole doesn't 
patent them and sue POV-Ray. Was going to put a smiley there, but I 
really don't think it is that funny.... :(

void main () {

    call functional_code()
    call crash_windows();

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From: Ricky Reusser
Subject: Re: a modeler
Date: 30 Aug 2003 22:12:34
Message: <3f515992@news.povray.org>
Speak of the devil.  KDE--a great window server for xfree86.  I just got my
new powerbook G4 a couple days ago and now have a FAST connection.  I'm
actually typing this in KNode, a KDE newsreader that runs within the whole
X11 thing.  You can download parts of KDE and spare yourself from the full
171Mb download (it only took me nine minutes).  All you have to do is get
Fink installed, then type 'sudo fink apt-get install bundle-kde'. (or 'sudo
fink list' if you just want so see what's there for kde.)  You also have to
type 'sudo fink info bundle-kde' or something like that to get the full
setup instructions -- just search the web for kde mac os x if it doesn't
work.  Finally, don't forget to go to control center -> Desktop -> Behavior
in order to disable icons on the desktop and make it run alongside Mac OS

Now to the point.  It has a whole plethera of programs available from Word
and Excel clones (KWord and KSpread -- which actually open Word and Excel
documents) to games.  Under graphics though, I was shocked to see a POV-Ray
modeler there.  I haven't really tried it out too much yet and can't make
any promises of a great modeler, but it's there and has support for all
kinds of features and can even import files.  You can get a
top-front-rightside view next to a perspective view and do all kinds of
stuff.  It sure doesn't look like one of those modelers that will let you
add a cube and a sphere with support for cylinders coming soon!  Hope it
works well!

 - Ricky

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