POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : MegaPOV 1.1 beta - small bug. Server Time
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  MegaPOV 1.1 beta - small bug. (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Kurts
Subject: MegaPOV 1.1 beta - small bug.
Date: 29 Aug 2004 12:05:45
Message: <kurtzlepirate-C5614E.18054229082004@news.povray.org>

a small bug : editor not use default font (set in preference dialog) when open a 

an other thing : "paste" action is very very slow....

THANKS for this new version.

8.6 - CarbonLib 1.6 - memory set to 70Mo for megapov.

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From: Smellenbergh
Subject: Re: MegaPOV 1.1 beta - small bug.
Date: 30 Aug 2004 13:16:57
Message: <1gjce20.tc8qi2dy5tc0N%smellenbergh@skynet.be>
Kurts <kur### [at] yahoofr> wrote:

> a small bug : editor not use default font (set in preference dialog) when
open a > file. The default of the preferences dialog is *only* used for
new files or files which were not saved in MacMegaPOV before (There is a
note concerning this in the manual). But if a file has been saved in
MacMegaPOV, it remembers the last font and size, so that you don't have
to change it every time again.

> an other thing : "paste" action is very very slow.... I asume you try to
paste when an image is rendering in the background? Unfortunately with
OS 8.6 the rendering has priority and everything else will go slow.
(Only from OS 9.2 on you can use multithreading)

You could try to set the image to pause while editing another scene.


e-mail:sme### [at] skynetbe


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From: Kurts
Subject: Re: MegaPOV 1.1 beta - small bug.
Date: 30 Aug 2004 15:45:16
Message: <kurtzlepirate-52FECF.21451530082004@news.povray.org>
In article <1gjce20.tc8qi2dy5tc0N%smellenbergh@skynet.be>,
 sme### [at] skynetbe (Smellenbergh) wrote:

> The default of the preferences dialog is *only* used for
> new files or files which were not saved in MacMegaPOV before (There is a
> note concerning this in the manual). But if a file has been saved in
> MacMegaPOV, it remembers the last font and size, so that you don't have
> to change it every time again.

  i had to read the manuel again :-) in fact, i set my defaut font/size
  to monaco/9. when i open, for exemple "colors.inc" file, chicago 12 is used.

> > an other thing : "paste" action is very very slow.... I asume you try to
> paste when an image is rendering in the background? Unfortunately with
> OS 8.6 the rendering has priority and everything else will go slow.
> (Only from OS 9.2 on you can use multithreading)
> You could try to set the image to pause while editing another scene.

  no, no rendering is running when i do that.


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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: MegaPOV 1.1 beta - small bug.
Date: 30 Aug 2004 16:49:24
Message: <413392d4@news.povray.org>
In article <1gjce20.tc8qi2dy5tc0N%smellenbergh@skynet.be> , 
sme### [at] skynetbe (Smellenbergh) wrote:

>> a small bug : editor not use default font (set in preference dialog) when
> open a > file. The default of the preferences dialog is *only* used for
> new files or files which were not saved in MacMegaPOV before (There is a
> note concerning this in the manual). But if a file has been saved in
> MacMegaPOV, it remembers the last font and size, so that you don't have
> to change it every time again.

While the MacMegaPOV behavior certainly is the correct behavior for a word
processor, it as certainly is the wrong behavior for a text editor. All Mac
text editors set the correct precedent (font controlled by application, not
a file) as well.


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Yvo Smellenbergh
Subject: Re: MegaPOV 1.1 beta - small bug.
Date: 31 Aug 2004 04:16:41
Message: <1gjdnqg.rxfe1iosj9s8N%yvo.s@gmx.net>
Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:

> While the MacMegaPOV behavior certainly is the correct behavior for a word
> processor, it as certainly is the wrong behavior for a text editor. All Mac
> text editors set the correct precedent (font controlled by application, not
> a file) as well.

Some of them let you choose, like the CW IDE.
To make everybody happy, the final version of MacMegaPOV will do the


MegaPOV at:  http://megapov.inetart.net
MacMegaPOV at:  http://users.skynet.be/smellenbergh
E-mail: yvo### [at] gmxnet

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