POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : POV 3.5 Won't open Unix files? Server Time
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  POV 3.5 Won't open Unix files? (Message 1 to 9 of 9)  
From: Jerry
Subject: POV 3.5 Won't open Unix files?
Date: 12 Jul 2002 18:07:56
Message: <jerry-9CEC13.15075512072002@netplex.aussie.org>
Does 3.5 not open Unix files, or am I doing something wrong? I created a 
POV file by exporting from Terraform on OS X; POV would not open the 
file; the file chooser allowed me to choose it, but POV would not open 
it. If I went into BBEdit and changed the line endings to Mac line 
endings, POV would then open the file. However, it then seemed to have 
troubles with the include files (all of which also have Unix line 

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, and you've
depleted the lake."--It Isn't Murder If They're Yankees

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: POV 3.5 Won't open Unix files?
Date: 13 Jul 2002 04:05:12
Message: <3d2fdf38@news.povray.org>
In article <jer### [at] netplexaussieorg> , Jerry 
<jer### [at] acusdedu>  wrote:

> Does 3.5 not open Unix files, or am I doing something wrong? I created a
> POV file by exporting from Terraform on OS X; POV would not open the
> file; the file chooser allowed me to choose it, but POV would not open
> it. If I went into BBEdit and changed the line endings to Mac line
> endings, POV would then open the file. However, it then seemed to have
> troubles with the include files (all of which also have Unix line
> endings).

POV-Ray opens files with all line-endings.  I do not know what the problem
with you file could be.


Thorsten Froehlich
e-mail: mac### [at] povrayorg

I am a member of the POV-Ray Team.
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Jerry
Subject: Re: POV 3.5 Won't open Unix files?
Date: 15 Jul 2002 14:36:09
Message: <jerry-507F72.11360915072002@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <3d2fdf38@news.povray.org>,
 "Thorsten Froehlich" <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:
>POV-Ray opens files with all line-endings.  I do not know what the problem
>with you file could be.

Thanks; I'll take a closer look at it then.

Preliminary testing:

Created a file called "test2.pov" using vi on the command line.

This file will not drag to POV-Ray 3.5 on the finder or on the dock. 
This makes some sense if you've chosen only to accept TEXT files for 
drag and drop, however given that pov files come from many sources, and 
given OS X's Unix underpinnings, it may make more sense to accept any 
file--or at least any file ending with .pov.

If I go into POV-Ray 3.5 and "File:Open...", the file "test2.pov" shows 
up in the file picker but is greyed out and cannot be chosen.

If I switch from "All Readable Documents" to "All Documents", 
"test2.pov" stays greyed out but can now be chosen. However, on pressing 
the "Open" button, no window is opened for that file in POV-Ray 3.5.

No error messages show up in the "Messages" window (or anywhere else 
that I can see).

If I create a new file from within POV-Ray 3.5, and give it one line:

#include "test2.pov"

and then save it (as "test3.pov") in the same directory as test2.pov, it 
then renders test2.pov successfully.

If I use a Unix command-line utility to convert the line endings in 
test2.pov to Mac line endings and write it to test4.pov, POV-Ray 3.5 
will still not open the file test4.pov; it acts as above.

If I use FileType to give the Unix-line file (test2.pov) the File Type 
TEXT (leaving the Creator alone), I can open the file by switching the 
File Picker from "All Readable Documents" to "All Documents".

If I use FileType to switch that file from File Type TEXT to GIYH, POV 
will once again refuse to open the file in the manner described above.

So it appears that POV-Ray 3.5 is refusing to open files that are not 
specifically listed as TEXT, which will be most files acquired from 
non-Mac sources.

I am using Mac OS X 10.1.5 and POV-Ray 3.5 Build 0170.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, and you've
depleted the lake."--It Isn't Murder If They're Yankees

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: POV 3.5 Won't open Unix files?
Date: 15 Jul 2002 18:31:33
Message: <3d334d45@news.povray.org>
In article <jer### [at] netplexaussieorg> , Jerry 
<jer### [at] acusdedu>  wrote:

> So it appears that POV-Ray 3.5 is refusing to open files that are not
> specifically listed as TEXT, which will be most files acquired from
> non-Mac sources.

No, all files should be properly receive file and creator codes just as they
did for the past 18 years on System 1 to Mac OS 9.2.2.  If they don't, Apple
has still not fixed this ancient Mac OS X bug :-(


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Jonathan Morton
Subject: Re: POV 3.5 Won't open Unix files?
Date: 16 Jul 2002 23:56:12
Message: <3D34DC53.7040904@chromatix.demon.co.uk>
>>So it appears that POV-Ray 3.5 is refusing to open files that are not
>>specifically listed as TEXT, which will be most files acquired from
>>non-Mac sources.
> No, all files should be properly receive file and creator codes just as they
> did for the past 18 years on System 1 to Mac OS 9.2.2.  If they don't, Apple
> has still not fixed this ancient Mac OS X bug :-(

I can confirm this.  On a .pov created on Windows and transferred using 
ncftp in the terminal window, the file received a completely bogus 
(blank?) filetype and creator.  After adjusting it to TEXT type, it 
opened fine.

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: POV 3.5 Won't open Unix files?
Date: 17 Jul 2002 06:08:51
Message: <3d354233@news.povray.org>
In article <3D3### [at] chromatixdemoncouk> , Jonathan Morton 
<chr### [at] chromatixdemoncouk>  wrote:

>> No, all files should be properly receive file and creator codes just as they
>> did for the past 18 years on System 1 to Mac OS 9.2.2.  If they don't, Apple
>> has still not fixed this ancient Mac OS X bug :-(
> I can confirm this.  On a .pov created on Windows and transferred using
> ncftp in the terminal window, the file received a completely bogus
> (blank?) filetype and creator.  After adjusting it to TEXT type, it
> opened fine.

indeed, it happens when files are transferred using Unix command-line tools.
Files being transferred via the Finder should be fine.  Of course, Apple has
promised that this will be fixed in future versions of Mac OS X, and as you
may have noticed, POV-Ray 3.5 for Mac OS is not supported on the versions of
Mac OS X we are talking about here ;-)


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Elijah Sarver
Subject: Re: POV 3.5 Won't open Unix files?
Date: 20 Jul 2002 14:05:56
Message: <200720021405555268%spam-lowmagnet@is-speakeasy.bad-net>
Did you try naming the files as filename.pov.txt? that worked for me.
It confused me because I had to bring over some pov files from my NT
workstation, and they wouldn't load until I renamed them. Of course, if
you do this, make sure you turn off "only render .pov files" in you
configuration settings.


In article <jer### [at] netplexaussieorg>, Jerry
<jer### [at] acusdedu> wrote:

> Does 3.5 not open Unix files, or am I doing something wrong? I created a 
> POV file by exporting from Terraform on OS X; POV would not open the 
> file; the file chooser allowed me to choose it, but POV would not open 
> it. If I went into BBEdit and changed the line endings to Mac line 
> endings, POV would then open the file. However, it then seemed to have 
> troubles with the include files (all of which also have Unix line 
> endings).
> Jerry

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From: Elijah Sarver
Subject: Re: POV 3.5 Won't open Unix files?
Date: 20 Jul 2002 14:25:26
Message: <200720021425265476%spam-lowmagnet@is-speakeasy.bad-net>
Well, I thought it worked out... the creator and content types are
still wrong. Under OSX it can save with the right content types, but
you have to copy from TextPad and paste into POV, which doesn't make
for expedient cross-development.

Inarticle <200720021405555268%spa### [at] is-speakeasybad-net>,
Elijah Sarver <spa### [at] is-speakeasybad-net> wrote:

> Did you try naming the files as filename.pov.txt? that worked for me.
> It confused me because I had to bring over some pov files from my NT
> workstation, and they wouldn't load until I renamed them. Of course, if
> you do this, make sure you turn off "only render .pov files" in you
> configuration settings.
> --eli

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From: Wolfgang Thaller
Subject: Re: POV 3.5 Won't open Unix files?
Date: 26 Jul 2002 17:50:11
Message: <3d41c413$1@news.povray.org>
"Thorsten Froehlich" <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:> In article <jerry-

> No, all files should be properly receive file and creator codes just as
> did for the past 18 years on System 1 to Mac OS 9.2.2.  If they don't,
> has still not fixed this ancient Mac OS X bug :-(

This was a deliberate design decision - a questionable one, but not a bug.
We just have to cope with the fact that if a file has a blank type code, we
have to take a look at the extension (and I think that's what POV-Ray should
I can't think of how Apple would "fix" that "bug": making all Unix tools
correctly set the file type would require the extension-filetype mapping
logic to be included in the kernel [where it definitely doesn't belong,

Anyway, it should be easy to "fix" that in the POV-Ray code (and that would
also be a benefit for OS 9 users with badly configured file exchange
software). I consider it absolutely necessary for an OS X application (among
other things wich I'll refrain from discussing until I've had a look at the
source code... mostly menu layout/threading/display).



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