POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Animation Lockup Server Time
22 Dec 2024 16:12:00 EST (-0500)
  Animation Lockup (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Adam Dershowitz
Subject: Animation Lockup
Date: 23 Sep 2002 23:19:21
Message: <dersh-CFF2D7.22181823092002@netplex.aussie.org>
I just downloaded and installed POV-Ray.  I am using OS 10.2 (I saw the 
warning about opening files, so I am working around that). 
I have tried several of the animation examples that are included and 
each time POV-Ray just locks up.  My pointer goes to the spinning "busy" 
circle, and POV-Ray stops responding to anything.  I can then just kill 
the application, but can't do anything else.
I have tried doing animations in two different ways.  First I loaded one 
of the examples, by dragging the file into the Render queue, then 
started the Render queue to open the file (and render a frame).  Next I 
then changed the render settings for the examples to use the INI file.  
I then selected render, and I get the busy spinning icon, with no 
indication of any progress.
I also tried loading a different example animation the same way as 
above.  Then I manually changed the setting for the object to animation 
and put in some numbers (the same as what was in the INI).  This time 
the progress window opened, but I got no indication of any progress, and 
POV-Ray again locked up.  Although this time I got 6 images in the same 
directory (named bounce1 -bouce 6) then no additional frames, or 
indication of any progress.
Again, I had to force quit.
I am running on a dual G4 1GHz machine, if that matters.  Does this 
relate to the OS 10.2 bug that you mentioned?
I was about to send this email, but decided to try one other thing.  I 
changed it to only render 4 frames, and then it seemed to work fine.  I 
then tried 10 frames, and it did a few then locked up again.  Seems very 
strange to me.

Please let me know if there is anything that I can do, or what bugs 
might exist to cause this.

I also tried getting info on the POV-Ray executable and set the flag to 
have it open in Classic.  But when I then double clicked on it, it still 
open in OS X, so I was not able to try it that way.  Any idea why that 

Thanks much,
and I am very excited about this program.  Very nice work!

der### [at] alummitedu

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From: Kaveh
Subject: Re: Animation Lockup
Date: 27 Sep 2002 11:30:05
Message: <web.3d9478a81bb353b9faa646640@news.povray.org>
Adam Dershowitz wrote:
>I just downloaded and installed POV-Ray.  I am using OS 10.2 (I saw the
>warning about opening files, so I am working around that).
>I have tried several of the animation examples that are included and
>each time POV-Ray just locks up.  My pointer goes to the spinning "busy"
>circle, and POV-Ray stops responding to anything.  I can then just kill
>the application, but can't do anything else.


I am having the same problem. I reported it, but no response so far:


I don't think it is related to 10.2. I am sure I had the problem with
10.5.1. I would love to find a work-around. INI file would be great.

But agreed that they've done a great job of OS X implementation.


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From: Russell
Subject: Re: Animation Lockup
Date: 27 Sep 2002 17:00:16
Message: <web.3d94c5aa1bb353b965c938290@news.povray.org>
Adam Dershowitz wrote:
>I just downloaded and installed POV-Ray.  I am using OS 10.2 (I saw the
>warning about opening files, so I am working around that).
>I have tried several of the animation examples that are included and
>each time POV-Ray just locks up.  My pointer goes to the spinning "busy"
>circle, and POV-Ray stops responding to anything.  I can then just kill
>the application, but can't do anything else.
>I have tried doing animations in two different ways.  First I loaded one
>of the examples, by dragging the file into the Render queue, then
>started the Render queue to open the file (and render a frame).  Next I
>then changed the render settings for the examples to use the INI file.
>I then selected render, and I get the busy spinning icon, with no
>indication of any progress.
>I also tried loading a different example animation the same way as
>above.  Then I manually changed the setting for the object to animation
>and put in some numbers (the same as what was in the INI).  This time
>the progress window opened, but I got no indication of any progress, and
>POV-Ray again locked up.  Although this time I got 6 images in the same
>directory (named bounce1 -bouce 6) then no additional frames, or
>indication of any progress.
>Again, I had to force quit.
>I am running on a dual G4 1GHz machine, if that matters.  Does this
>relate to the OS 10.2 bug that you mentioned?
>I was about to send this email, but decided to try one other thing.  I
>changed it to only render 4 frames, and then it seemed to work fine.  I
>then tried 10 frames, and it did a few then locked up again.  Seems very
>strange to me.
>Please let me know if there is anything that I can do, or what bugs
>might exist to cause this.
>I also tried getting info on the POV-Ray executable and set the flag to
>have it open in Classic.  But when I then double clicked on it, it still
>open in OS X, so I was not able to try it that way.  Any idea why that
>Thanks much,
>and I am very excited about this program.  Very nice work!
>der### [at] alummitedu

  I was about to post the identical message.  I can confirm the same problem
on OSX 10.1.5.  I also note that the bug always happens after generating
about 5 or 6 frames, regardless of which frame is the 6th.  In other words,
if I start at frame 3, it will choke 6 frames later on frame 9, so it's not
something special about the image in frame 6.  I've tried many conbinations
of output type, internal/external looping, image size, image quality, etc.
Always the same behavior of choking on the 6th frame of the sequence.


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From: John Dribus
Subject: Re: Animation Lockup
Date: 20 Dec 2002 17:38:16
Message: <3E039B7F.5050507@unt.edu>
I am using POV-RAY for the first time and am having exactly the problem 
you described.  I can only get up to 5 frames to render.  I am using a 
dual 867 Mhz machine, and the same thing happens in OS X and OS 9. Have 
you found a solution to the problem? Thanks for any ideas you might have.


Adam Dershowitz wrote:
> I just downloaded and installed POV-Ray.  I am using OS 10.2 (I saw the 
> warning about opening files, so I am working around that). 
> I have tried several of the animation examples that are included and 
> each time POV-Ray just locks up.  My pointer goes to the spinning "busy" 
> circle, and POV-Ray stops responding to anything.  I can then just kill 
> the application, but can't do anything else.
> I have tried doing animations in two different ways.  First I loaded one 
> of the examples, by dragging the file into the Render queue, then 
> started the Render queue to open the file (and render a frame).  Next I 
> then changed the render settings for the examples to use the INI file.  
> I then selected render, and I get the busy spinning icon, with no 
> indication of any progress.
> I also tried loading a different example animation the same way as 
> above.  Then I manually changed the setting for the object to animation 
> and put in some numbers (the same as what was in the INI).  This time 
> the progress window opened, but I got no indication of any progress, and 
> POV-Ray again locked up.  Although this time I got 6 images in the same 
> directory (named bounce1 -bouce 6) then no additional frames, or 
> indication of any progress.
> Again, I had to force quit.
> I am running on a dual G4 1GHz machine, if that matters.  Does this 
> relate to the OS 10.2 bug that you mentioned?
> I was about to send this email, but decided to try one other thing.  I 
> changed it to only render 4 frames, and then it seemed to work fine.  I 
> then tried 10 frames, and it did a few then locked up again.  Seems very 
> strange to me.
> Please let me know if there is anything that I can do, or what bugs 
> might exist to cause this.
> I also tried getting info on the POV-Ray executable and set the flag to 
> have it open in Classic.  But when I then double clicked on it, it still 
> open in OS X, so I was not able to try it that way.  Any idea why that 
> is?
> Thanks much,
> and I am very excited about this program.  Very nice work!
> --Adam
> der### [at] alummitedu

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From: John Dribus
Subject: Re: Animation Lockup
Date: 20 Dec 2002 17:38:46
Message: <3E039B9E.9020909@unt.edu>
I am using POV-RAY for the first time and am having exactly the problem 
you described.  I can only get up to 5 frames to render.  I am using a 
dual 867 Mhz machine, and the same thing happens in OS X and OS 9. Have 
you found a solution to the problem? Thanks for any ideas you might have.


Russell wrote:
> Adam Dershowitz wrote:
>>I just downloaded and installed POV-Ray.  I am using OS 10.2 (I saw the
>>warning about opening files, so I am working around that).
>>I have tried several of the animation examples that are included and
>>each time POV-Ray just locks up.  My pointer goes to the spinning "busy"
>>circle, and POV-Ray stops responding to anything.  I can then just kill
>>the application, but can't do anything else.
>>I have tried doing animations in two different ways.  First I loaded one
>>of the examples, by dragging the file into the Render queue, then
>>started the Render queue to open the file (and render a frame).  Next I
>>then changed the render settings for the examples to use the INI file.
>>I then selected render, and I get the busy spinning icon, with no
>>indication of any progress.
>>I also tried loading a different example animation the same way as
>>above.  Then I manually changed the setting for the object to animation
>>and put in some numbers (the same as what was in the INI).  This time
>>the progress window opened, but I got no indication of any progress, and
>>POV-Ray again locked up.  Although this time I got 6 images in the same
>>directory (named bounce1 -bouce 6) then no additional frames, or
>>indication of any progress.
>>Again, I had to force quit.
>>I am running on a dual G4 1GHz machine, if that matters.  Does this
>>relate to the OS 10.2 bug that you mentioned?
>>I was about to send this email, but decided to try one other thing.  I
>>changed it to only render 4 frames, and then it seemed to work fine.  I
>>then tried 10 frames, and it did a few then locked up again.  Seems very
>>strange to me.
>>Please let me know if there is anything that I can do, or what bugs
>>might exist to cause this.
>>I also tried getting info on the POV-Ray executable and set the flag to
>>have it open in Classic.  But when I then double clicked on it, it still
>>open in OS X, so I was not able to try it that way.  Any idea why that
>>Thanks much,
>>and I am very excited about this program.  Very nice work!
>>der### [at] alummitedu
>   I was about to post the identical message.  I can confirm the same problem
> on OSX 10.1.5.  I also note that the bug always happens after generating
> about 5 or 6 frames, regardless of which frame is the 6th.  In other words,
> if I start at frame 3, it will choke 6 frames later on frame 9, so it's not
> something special about the image in frame 6.  I've tried many conbinations
> of output type, internal/external looping, image size, image quality, etc.
> Always the same behavior of choking on the 6th frame of the sequence.
>   Russ

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From: John Dribus
Subject: Re: Animation Lockup
Date: 20 Dec 2002 17:39:26
Message: <3E039BC6.1030507@unt.edu>
I am using POV-RAY for the first time and am having exactly the problem 
you described.  I can only get up to 5 frames to render.  I am using a 
dual 867 Mhz machine, and the same thing happens in OS X and OS 9. Have 
you found a solution to the problem? Thanks for any ideas you might have.


Kaveh wrote:
> Adam Dershowitz wrote:
>>I just downloaded and installed POV-Ray.  I am using OS 10.2 (I saw the
>>warning about opening files, so I am working around that).
>>I have tried several of the animation examples that are included and
>>each time POV-Ray just locks up.  My pointer goes to the spinning "busy"
>>circle, and POV-Ray stops responding to anything.  I can then just kill
>>the application, but can't do anything else.
> [...]
> I am having the same problem. I reported it, but no response so far:
> http://news.povray.org/povray.macintosh/26861/
> I don't think it is related to 10.2. I am sure I had the problem with
> 10.5.1. I would love to find a work-around. INI file would be great.
> But agreed that they've done a great job of OS X implementation.
> Kaveh

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