POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : "Overall total time" counts "Parse time" twice? (3.5 0173) Server Time
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  "Overall total time" counts "Parse time" twice? (3.5 0173) (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: Charles Albrecht
Subject: "Overall total time" counts "Parse time" twice? (3.5 0173)
Date: 10 Mar 2003 14:36:29
Message: <charlesa-6A0667.12362810032003@netplex.aussie.org>
First, the proposed patch, generated based on the following revision:

* $File: //depot/povray/3.5/source/povmsend.cpp $
* $Revision: #25 $
* $Change: 1896 $
* $DateTime: 2002/08/19 04:15:16 $
* $Author: thorsten $
* $Log$

Extracted from 
for the 3.5 release. I notice that the unix sources from
have an older version of povmsend.cpp.

% diff -c povmsend.cpp povmsend.cpp_patch
*** povmsend.cpp        Mon Mar 10 11:48:24 2003
--- povmsend.cpp_patch  Mon Mar 10 11:48:00 2003
*** 911,919 ****
        if(err == kNoErr)
           BuildRTime(&msg, kPOVAttrib_FrameTime, tp, th, tr, tp + th + 
        if((opts.FrameSeq.FrameType == FT_MULTIPLE_FRAME) && (err == 
           err = BuildRTime(&msg, kPOVAttrib_AnimationTime,
!                           tparse_total + tp, tphoton_total + th, 
trender_total + tr,
!                           tparse_total + tphoton_total + trender_total 
+ tp + th + tr);
        if(err == kNoErr)
           err = POVMSMsg_SetupMessage(&msg, kPOVMsgClass_RenderOutput, 
        if(err == kNoErr)
--- 911,920 ----
        if(err == kNoErr)
           BuildRTime(&msg, kPOVAttrib_FrameTime, tp, th, tr, tp + th + 
        if((opts.FrameSeq.FrameType == FT_MULTIPLE_FRAME) && (err == 
+          /* tparse_total and tphoton_total already include the frame 
contribution */
           err = BuildRTime(&msg, kPOVAttrib_AnimationTime,
!                           tparse_total, tphoton_total, trender_total + 
!                           tparse_total + tphoton_total + trender_total 
+ tr);
        if(err == kNoErr)
           err = POVMSMsg_SetupMessage(&msg, kPOVMsgClass_RenderOutput, 
        if(err == kNoErr)

Using the official 3.5, build 0173 for Macintosh...

I have noticed that during the rendering portion of multiframe 
- FT_MULTIPLE_FRAME - the frame parse time, tparse_frame, appears to be 
counted twice when calculating the overall time for display in the 
rendering window. At the end of the render phase, the total drops back 
down to the correct value as it begins parsing again.

The observed behavior is detailed at the end..

At worst, this is merely a cosmetic issue.

The cause itself is in the core and not in the macintosh-specific 
portions of the codebase.

In povray.cpp, FrameRender() includes this section at the beginning of 

   // Get total parsing time.
   tparse_total += tparse;
   tparse_frame = tparse;
   tparse = 0;

Later, within FrameLoop(), each call to:  
    Send_RenderTime(0, 0, 0);

Sends the animation time messsage using:

if((opts.FrameSeq.FrameType == FT_MULTIPLE_FRAME) && (err == kNoErr))
   err = BuildRTime(&msg, kPOVAttrib_AnimationTime,
       tparse_total + tp, tphoton_total + th, trender_total + tr,
       tparse_total + tphoton_total + trender_total + tp + th + tr);

(here, tp == tparse_frame)

However, tparse_total already includes the contribution from 
In fact, tparse_frame is zero up until the point at which it is 
assigned - right after its contribution is added to tparse_total. The 
same is true of tphoton_frame, so the patch takes that into account as 
well. I don't have a CodeWarrior install (for macintosh compile), so 
I haven't performed a test build, but the patch should address the 
cosmetic display problem of rendering information during 

The observed behavior is this - with a model that parses in 30 seconds 
and renders in 60 seconds. 

During Parsing:

Parse Time: 0:00
Render Time: 0:00
Total Time: 0:00
Overall Total Time: 0:00

1 second into Rendering:

Parse Time: 0:30
Render Time: 0:01
Total Time: 0:31
Overall Total Time: 1:01

Just before rendering ends

Parse Time: 0:30
Render Time: 0:60
Total Time: 1:30
Overall Total Time: 2:00

Start of new parsing phase

Parse Time: 0:00
Render Time: 0:00
Total Time: 0:00
Overall Total Time: 1:30

I'll issue a formal bug report using the mac.povray.org website.


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From: Charles Albrecht
Subject: Re: "Overall total time" counts "Parse time" twice? (3.5 0173)
Date: 10 Mar 2003 14:38:23
Message: <&#99&#104&#97&#114&#108&#101&#115&#97-3D28F5.12382310032003@netplex.aussie.org>
Whoops, that patch shouldn't have been wrapped...

% diff -c povmsend.cpp povmsend.cpp_patch
*** povmsend.cpp        Mon Mar 10 11:48:24 2003
--- povmsend.cpp_patch  Mon Mar 10 11:48:00 2003
*** 911,919 ****
        if(err == kNoErr)
           BuildRTime(&msg, kPOVAttrib_FrameTime, tp, th, tr, tp + th + tr);
        if((opts.FrameSeq.FrameType == FT_MULTIPLE_FRAME) && (err == kNoErr))
           err = BuildRTime(&msg, kPOVAttrib_AnimationTime,
!                           tparse_total + tp, tphoton_total + th, trender_total + tr,
!                           tparse_total + tphoton_total + trender_total + tp + th +
        if(err == kNoErr)
           err = POVMSMsg_SetupMessage(&msg, kPOVMsgClass_RenderOutput,
        if(err == kNoErr)
--- 911,920 ----
        if(err == kNoErr)
           BuildRTime(&msg, kPOVAttrib_FrameTime, tp, th, tr, tp + th + tr);
        if((opts.FrameSeq.FrameType == FT_MULTIPLE_FRAME) && (err == kNoErr))
+          /* tparse_total and tphoton_total already include the frame contribution */
           err = BuildRTime(&msg, kPOVAttrib_AnimationTime,
!                           tparse_total, tphoton_total, trender_total + tr,
!                           tparse_total + tphoton_total + trender_total + tr);
        if(err == kNoErr)
           err = POVMSMsg_SetupMessage(&msg, kPOVMsgClass_RenderOutput,
        if(err == kNoErr)

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From: ABX
Subject: Re: "Overall total time" counts "Parse time" twice? (3.5 0173)
Date: 10 Mar 2003 14:52:51
Message: <fvqp6vkjp88qred96k5amosmp05rnumvh8@4ax.com>
On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 12:36:28 -0700, Charles Albrecht
<cha### [at] po-remove-boxcom> wrote:
> Using the official 3.5, build 0173 for Macintosh...

Have you verified this behaviour with latest release POV-Ray 3.5.1 Public
Release Candidate 1 (expires March 25th) from
<http://mac.povray.org/download/macosx102.html> ?

> The cause itself is in the core and not in the macintosh-specific 
> portions of the codebase.

Don't you think that community more benefit with such report in case it is
posted in not platform specific group ? :-)


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From: Charles Albrecht
Subject: Re: "Overall total time" counts "Parse time" twice? (3.5 0173)
Date: 10 Mar 2003 15:00:38
Message: <charlesa-CFCAE1.13003810032003@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <fvqp6vkjp88qred96k5amosmp05rnumvh8@4ax.com>,
 ABX <abx### [at] abxartpl> wrote:
> Have you verified this behaviour with latest release POV-Ray 3.5.1 Public
> Release Candidate 1 (expires March 25th) from
> <http://mac.povray.org/download/macosx102.html> ?

On my G3, I cannot verify against the latest release candidate because 
the engine for the latest release candidate does not run on anything 
other than a G4.

> Don't you think that community more benefit with such report in case it is
> posted in not platform specific group ? :-)

I tried crossposting to povray.bugreports, but when crossposting, the 
message never showed up.


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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: "Overall total time" counts "Parse time" twice? (3.5 0173)
Date: 10 Mar 2003 18:42:05
Message: <3e6d22cd@news.povray.org>
Thanks, but this has been fixed a long time ago.


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From: Ian J  Burgmyer
Subject: Re: "Overall total time" counts "Parse time" twice? (3.5 0173)
Date: 10 Mar 2003 21:34:43
Message: <3e6d4b43$1@news.povray.org>
Charles Albrecht's furious key-hammering produced this:
>> Don't you think that community more benefit with such report in case it is
>> posted in not platform specific group ? :-)
> I tried crossposting to povray.bugreports, but when crossposting, the 
> message never showed up.

I think povray.bugreports is moderated, so posts wouldn't show up immediately.

/*^*/light_source{100*<-5,2,-5>2}#macro I(i,n)#while(strlen(i)>=n)#local A=asc(
substr(i,n,1));#local a=asc(substr(i,n+1,1));cylinder{<div(A,8)-12,mod(A,8)-4,4
><div(a,8)-12,mod(a,8)-4,4>,0.1pigment{rgb z}}#local n=n+2;#end#end I("ScUe[]"1
/*<*/)I("mkmtlttk"1)//@_$#!,:<"Thhis polysig brought to you by Ian Burgmyer :)"

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From: Charles Albrecht
Subject: Re: "Overall total time" counts "Parse time" twice? (3.5 0173)
Date: 11 Mar 2003 00:34:20
Message: <charlesa-41D8C0.22341610032003@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <3e6d22cd@news.povray.org>,
 "Thorsten Froehlich" <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:

> Thanks, but this has been fixed a long time ago.
>     Thorsten

When I saw how old the released source was, I thought that might be the 


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