POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : 3.5 won't boot Server Time
22 Dec 2024 16:13:30 EST (-0500)
  3.5 won't boot (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Tom
Subject: 3.5 won't boot
Date: 14 Nov 2002 19:36:03
Message: <bondpaper-846274.17413314112002@netplex.aussie.org>

I've just installed Pov-ray 3.5 on a Mac (os 9.0), carbonlib 1.6, 256 MB 
RAM, G4 Sonnet processor upgrade, and plenty of disk space. For some 
reason, the booting process stops at "Initializing POV-Ray Library...", 
after beeping six times. No error message - it just sits. The only way 
out is a force quit. Any ideas?



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From: Ryan Mooney
Subject: Re: 3.5 won't boot
Date: 15 Nov 2002 22:01:19
Message: <3DD5B4FD.36973155@earthlink.net>
Go back to 3.1g ... =[ I suggest Mega Pov... =] Works fine for me... =]
3.5 seems to have unresolved issues with OS 9.x... ??
Good luck... =]

Tom wrote:

> Hello,
> I've just installed Pov-ray 3.5 on a Mac (os 9.0), carbonlib 1.6, 256 MB
> RAM, G4 Sonnet processor upgrade, and plenty of disk space. For some
> reason, the booting process stops at "Initializing POV-Ray Library...",
> after beeping six times. No error message - it just sits. The only way
> out is a force quit. Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Tom

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