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From: Fidel viegas
Subject: Newsreader for Mac OS X
Date: 6 Jan 2003 12:40:48
Message: <BA3F6E9C.8BFC%fidel.viegas@artrecognition.co.uk>
Hello guys, I have been trying to find a freeware newsreader for Mac OS X
and didn't have any luck in finding it. I am using Outlook Express for Mac
OS 9.2, but I would like to start reading and posting messages from within
Mac OS X. Does any of you know of any good newsreader that I can use to post
as well as read messages?

Thanks in advance


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From: Jerry
Subject: Re: Newsreader for Mac OS X
Date: 6 Jan 2003 13:27:22
Message: <jerry-FE3CE8.10272306012003@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <BA3F6E9C.8BFC%fid### [at] artrecognitioncouk>,
 Fidel viegas <fid### [at] artrecognitioncouk> wrote:
>Hello guys, I have been trying to find a freeware newsreader for Mac OS X
>and didn't have any luck in finding it. I am using Outlook Express for Mac
>OS 9.2, but I would like to start reading and posting messages from within
>Mac OS X. Does any of you know of any good newsreader that I can use to post
>as well as read messages?

MT-Newswatcher is available for Mac OS X.


"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, and you've
depleted the lake."--It Isn't Murder If They're Yankees

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From: Kaveh
Subject: Re: Newsreader for Mac OS X
Date: 6 Jan 2003 16:03:06
Message: <1foduek.15rgur6yjepkgN%kaveh@delete_this.focalimage.com>
Fidel viegas <fid### [at] artrecognitioncouk> wrote:

> Hello guys, I have been trying to find a freeware newsreader for Mac OS X
> and didn't have any luck in finding it. I am using Outlook Express for Mac
> OS 9.2, but I would like to start reading and posting messages from within
> Mac OS X. Does any of you know of any good newsreader that I can use to post
> as well as read messages?

I use and love MacSoup. It's shareware. Can't remember web page, but you
can find it easily, Google or www.versiontracker.com


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From: Yvo Smellenbergh
Subject: Re: Newsreader for Mac OS X
Date: 6 Jan 2003 16:09:59
Message: <1fodx88.igq9iqlci8kwN%yvos.s@gmx.net>
Fidel viegas <fid### [at] artrecognitioncouk> wrote:

> Hello guys, I have been trying to find a freeware newsreader for Mac OS X
> and didn't have any luck in finding it. I am using Outlook Express for Mac
> OS 9.2, but I would like to start reading and posting messages from within
> Mac OS X. Does any of you know of any good newsreader that I can use to post
> as well as read messages?
I use MacSOUP. 
A real good offline reader too, offline reading is very useful for these
Beta 2 is out but I have been using beta 1 for months, no problems,
works fine.
Guess I'll give beta 2 a try too :-)



MacMegaPOV at:

E-mail: yvo### [at] gmxnet

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From: Fidel viegas
Subject: Re: Newsreader for Mac OS X
Date: 6 Jan 2003 20:51:29
Message: <BA3FE19D.8C2C%fidel.viegas@artrecognition.co.uk>
in article 1fodx88.igq9iqlci8kwN%yvos.s@gmx.net, Yvo Smellenbergh at
yvo### [at] gmxnet wrote on 6/1/03 9:10 pm:

> Fidel viegas <fid### [at] artrecognitioncouk> wrote:
>> Hello guys, I have been trying to find a freeware newsreader for Mac OS X
>> and didn't have any luck in finding it. I am using Outlook Express for Mac
>> OS 9.2, but I would like to start reading and posting messages from within
>> Mac OS X. Does any of you know of any good newsreader that I can use to post
>> as well as read messages?
> I use MacSOUP. 
> A real good offline reader too, offline reading is very useful for these
> groups.
> Beta 2 is out but I have been using beta 1 for months, no problems,
> works fine.
> Guess I'll give beta 2 a try too :-)
> http://home.snafu.de/stk/macsoup/index.html
> Yvo

Thank you all guys. I'll have a look at both apps.

All the best


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From: Ryan Mooney
Subject: Re: Newsreader for Mac OS X
Date: 6 Jan 2003 22:06:29
Message: <3E1A4439.EF89D308@earthlink.net>
I use Netscape for os X.

Fidel viegas wrote:

> Hello guys, I have been trying to find a freeware newsreader for Mac OS X
> and didn't have any luck in finding it. I am using Outlook Express for Mac
> OS 9.2, but I would like to start reading and posting messages from within
> Mac OS X. Does any of you know of any good newsreader that I can use to post
> as well as read messages?
> Thanks in advance
> Fidel.

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From: Fidel viegas
Subject: Re: Newsreader for Mac OS X
Date: 7 Jan 2003 17:55:51
Message: <BA4109F3.8C4A%fidel.viegas@artrecognition.co.uk>
in article 3E1A4439.EF89D308@earthlink.net, Ryan Mooney at
rdm### [at] earthlinknet wrote on 7/1/03 3:06 am:

> I use Netscape for os X.
> Fidel viegas wrote:
>> Hello guys, I have been trying to find a freeware newsreader for Mac OS X
>> and didn't have any luck in finding it. I am using Outlook Express for Mac
>> OS 9.2, but I would like to start reading and posting messages from within
>> Mac OS X. Does any of you know of any good newsreader that I can use to post
>> as well as read messages?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Fidel.

Thanks, I'll have a look at that.

All the best


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From: Paul Bourke
Subject: Re: Newsreader for Mac OS X
Date: 22 Feb 2003 20:34:52
Message: <pbourke-A8534E.12351923022003@netplex.aussie.org>
> Hello guys, I have been trying to find a freeware newsreader for Mac OS X
> and didn't have any luck in finding it. I am using Outlook Express for Mac
> OS 9.2, but I would like to start reading and posting messages from within
> Mac OS X. Does any of you know of any good newsreader that I can use to post
> as well as read messages?

I've started using NT-NewsWatcher....I'm happy with it so far,

Paul Bourke
pbo### [at] swineduau

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From: Christopher James Huff
Subject: Re: Newsreader for Mac OS X
Date: 22 Feb 2003 21:50:15
Message: <cjameshuff-1C3CB1.21471022022003@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <pbo### [at] netplexaussieorg>,
 Paul Bourke <pbo### [at] swineduau> wrote:

> I've started using NT-NewsWatcher....I'm happy with it so far,

You mean MT-NewsWatcher...it's the best one I've found so far. In my 
experience, Netscape/Mozilla are far too slow on this machine, and none 
of the other newsreaders are well-developed enough. It would be possible 
to get Pan running fairly integrated with OS X, but it's pretty buggy, 
it kept crashing on me.

Two things I don't like about MT-NewsWatcher: it doesn't keep messages 
locally, so finding old read messages is sometimes difficult, and the 
threading display is pretty minimal. I've seen other readers that use 
lines to indicate the threading instead of just indentation, it makes 
things easier to follow. There's also an annoying bug with command 
clicking URLs to open them in a web browser...sometimes it works, 
sometimes it says it can't find a helper program.

Still, it's fast, free, stable, has a clean UI...it runs great on my old 
Mac under OS X.

Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tagpovrayorg

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From: Howard Kern
Subject: Re: Newsreader for Mac OS X
Date: 21 Jan 2004 16:56:03
Message: <400ef573@news.povray.org>
I use mozilla Thunderbird.  It's open-source...

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