POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : maximum size for povray file Server Time
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  maximum size for povray file (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Fidel viegas
Subject: maximum size for povray file
Date: 8 Sep 2002 17:11:05
Message: <B9A17AA6.479C%fidel.viegas@artrecognition.co.uk>
Hello guys,

I have been experiencing some problems when trying to load huge files on
povray. Does it have a limit? I am using povray 3.5 and I'm running it from
classic environment.
Is there a limit for a source file to be loaded from povray? Because I could
load the file using BBEdit with no problems.

Thanks in advance


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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: maximum size for povray file
Date: 12 Sep 2002 16:10:40
Message: <3d80f4c0@news.povray.org>
In article <B9A17AA6.479C%fid### [at] artrecognitioncouk> , Fidel viegas
<fid### [at] artrecognitioncouk>  wrote:

> I have been experiencing some problems when trying to load huge files on
> povray. Does it have a limit? I am using povray 3.5 and I'm running it from
> classic environment.
> Is there a limit for a source file to be loaded from povray? Because I could
> load the file using BBEdit with no problems.

Well, the limit is the memory available to POV-Ray.  If the file does not
fit into the memory allocated for POV-Ray (you can change it via the Get
Info dialog in the Finder as usual), it won't be able to load the file.


Thorsten Froehlich
e-mail: mac### [at] povrayorg

I am a member of the POV-Ray Team.
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Fidel viegas
Subject: Re: maximum size for povray file
Date: 13 Sep 2002 11:54:12
Message: <B9A7C7DB.4ABE%fidel.viegas@artrecognition.co.uk>
in article 3d80f4c0@news.povray.org, Thorsten Froehlich at tho### [at] trfde
wrote on 12/9/02 9:10 pm:

> In article <B9A17AA6.479C%fid### [at] artrecognitioncouk> , Fidel viegas
> <fid### [at] artrecognitioncouk>  wrote:
>> I have been experiencing some problems when trying to load huge files on
>> povray. Does it have a limit? I am using povray 3.5 and I'm running it from
>> classic environment.
>> Is there a limit for a source file to be loaded from povray? Because I could
>> load the file using BBEdit with no problems.
> Well, the limit is the memory available to POV-Ray.  If the file does not
> fit into the memory allocated for POV-Ray (you can change it via the Get
> Info dialog in the Finder as usual), it won't be able to load the file.
> Thorsten

Thanks Thorsten.

All the best


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