POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Memory problems Server Time
22 Dec 2024 06:38:40 EST (-0500)
  Memory problems (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Anthony D  Baye
Subject: Memory problems
Date: 5 Nov 2005 02:21:16
Message: <436c5d6c$1@news.povray.org>
I'm using POV 3.6 with OS X 10.2.8

The project I'm currently working on involves very large numbers of very 
small objects, placed randomly using the trace function.  The problem 
seems to be that I keep running out of memory and POV shuts down. 
Normally, I would increase the memory reqs in the info window, but it 
won't allow me to: It seems to be locked at 80000kB

Is this normal, or is it a bug? if Neither, what can I do?



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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Memory problems
Date: 5 Nov 2005 03:12:38
Message: <436c6976@news.povray.org>
Anthony D. Baye wrote:
> I'm using POV 3.6 with OS X 10.2.8
> The project I'm currently working on involves very large numbers of very 
> small objects, placed randomly using the trace function.  The problem 
> seems to be that I keep running out of memory and POV shuts down. 
> Normally, I would increase the memory reqs in the info window, but it 
> won't allow me to: It seems to be locked at 80000kB
> Is this normal, or is it a bug? if Neither, what can I do?

That setting you see in the Finder (note that this has nothing to do with 
anything POV-Ray can control!) is absolutely meaningless unless you run 
POV-Ray in Classic, which would be pointless and i can only hope you are not 
doing it.  In Mac OS X there is no predefined limit, so if you run out of 
memory it means your scene needs more the three GB of memory or you run out 
of swap space before that (whichever comes first).


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