POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : QTPov editor v0.3.4 Server Time
22 Dec 2024 11:37:43 EST (-0500)
  QTPov editor v0.3.4 (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: gRRosminet
Subject: QTPov editor v0.3.4
Date: 29 May 2004 10:31:13
Message: <40b89eb1$1@news.povray.org>
QTPov editor v0.3.4 has been published.

QTPov Editor is a Povray SDL editor for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X 
based on Trolltech QT library (v3.2 and later)
I would be very interested if some of you could help me to test it on 
Mac OS X.

Major features:

     * Syntax coloration
     * Brackets highlight (including <,>)
     * automatic / manual tabulation system
     * completion system (with both keywords and declarations/macros)
     * declarations / macros listing
     * included files parsing ( to get declarations and macros )
     * ini editor
     * ini profile assistant
     * scene rendering via .ini files

Website : http://qtpoveditor.sf.net

It can bee downloaded from here : 

Please use only this link and not direct link to files in order to be 
always up to date and to make it visible to the users that there are 
three packages and not just one. Thanks.

the change log :
Changelog :
* bugs correction from v0.3.3
* managing Shift + Home
* Alt + Left/Right now loops between tabs

* Listing of named bookmarks in the declarations tree
* find / replace / next bookmark now loops in the file
* Added the proposition to save unsaved files when running povray
* Added the possibility to use relative paths instead of full paths (see 
* Added the possibility to define your web browser and the location of 
the help
* Added the translation system (french translation is provided. Take a 
look at the preferences to define your translation file)

Have a good pov ;-P


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