POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : animation render problem Server Time
22 Dec 2024 16:46:38 EST (-0500)
  animation render problem (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: John Dribus
Subject: animation render problem
Date: 22 Dec 2002 17:45:41
Message: <3e064095$1@news.povray.org>
I can't seem to render more than 4 frames of animation before the progam 
(3.5) locks up. In OS 10.2.3, the "busy" indicator will spin for hours 
with no progress. In OS 9.2  it crashes the machine. I'm using a dual 
processor 867Mhz machine, Carbon Lib 1.6, 256M RAM. After reading other 
messages posted, I  see that other people are having similar problems, 
but I haven't seen a solution. Has anyone figured this out yet?

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From: rick
Subject: Re: animation render problem
Date: 19 Feb 2003 18:00:44
Message: <web.3e540be026fe824925600f270@news.povray.org>
Just thought I'd chime in - I'm having the same problem with both
my iMac and titanium powerbook. I can render 4 or 5 frames with no problem -
I'm mainly interested in doing animation so this is annoying. John - or
anyone else - any solutions yet?


John Dribus wrote:
>I can't seem to render more than 4 frames of animation before the progam
>(3.5) locks up. In OS 10.2.3, the "busy" indicator will spin for hours
>with no progress. In OS 9.2  it crashes the machine. I'm using a dual
>processor 867Mhz machine, Carbon Lib 1.6, 256M RAM. After reading other
>messages posted, I  see that other people are having similar problems,
>but I haven't seen a solution. Has anyone figured this out yet?

rep### [at] netscapenet

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