POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Is quicktime access in build 187 broken? Server Time
22 Dec 2024 11:53:58 EST (-0500)
  Is quicktime access in build 187 broken? (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Apollo16
Subject: Is quicktime access in build 187 broken?
Date: 12 Dec 2003 14:42:19
Message: <3FDA1965.1020205@earthlink.net>
Is quicktime access in build 187 broken? I made several simple 
animations in the previous beta outputting them to quicktime which 
caused no errors. I have not changed these files. However, with the new 
beta, these are the errors that I am getting:

Possible File Init Error: Cannot add QuickTime Movie resource. 
(Mac_Cooperative_Error code -194 for
internal use only!)

Possible File Init Error: Got invalid Mac file handle. (Internal: Tried 
to close file twice?)

File Init Error: Cannot open output file.

When I run these files on build 173, they produce no errors either and 
render just fine. (i.e. quicktime is not corrupt.)

Any comments? Suggestions?

System info:

imac G3 using 9.2.2



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From: Christian Walther
Subject: Re: Is quicktime access in build 187 broken?
Date: 23 Dec 2003 05:00:29
Message: <pan.2003.>
> Possible File Init Error: Cannot add QuickTime Movie resource. 
> (Mac_Cooperative_Error code -194 for
> internal use only!)
> Possible File Init Error: Got invalid Mac file handle. (Internal: Tried 
> to close file twice?)
> File Init Error: Cannot open output file.

I'm getting exactly the same errors. Build 187, Mac OS X 10.3.1 (QuickTime
6.4) and Mac OS 9.2.2 (QuickTime 6.0.3) in Classic in Mac OS X, PowerBook
G4. An empty movie file is created, and the error messages are the same
regardless of whether or not that file is already there. There's no
problem rendering the animation to a series of PICT files (and the same
problem rendering a single image to a QuickTime file).


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From: Alberto Mendoza
Subject: Re: Is quicktime access in build 187 broken?
Date: 26 Dec 2003 11:35:47
Message: <3fec6363$1@news.povray.org>
Same problem here with OS 10.2.8 PowerBook G4


Christian Walther wrote:
>>Possible File Init Error: Cannot add QuickTime Movie resource. 
>>(Mac_Cooperative_Error code -194 for
>>internal use only!)
>>Possible File Init Error: Got invalid Mac file handle. (Internal: Tried 
>>to close file twice?)
>>File Init Error: Cannot open output file.
> I'm getting exactly the same errors. Build 187, Mac OS X 10.3.1 (QuickTime
> 6.4) and Mac OS 9.2.2 (QuickTime 6.0.3) in Classic in Mac OS X, PowerBook
> G4. An empty movie file is created, and the error messages are the same
> regardless of whether or not that file is already there. There's no
> problem rendering the animation to a series of PICT files (and the same
> problem rendering a single image to a QuickTime file).
>  -Christian

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