POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Where do I report bugs on build 187? Server Time
22 Dec 2024 11:29:25 EST (-0500)
  Where do I report bugs on build 187? (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Apollo16
Subject: Where do I report bugs on build 187?
Date: 8 Dec 2003 17:48:42
Message: <3FD4FF17.5050605@earthlink.net>
Where do I report bugs on build 187? (Actually, I want to know if my bug 
has already been reported etc.)

(Bug: simple animation causes type 2 crash in build 187 but not build 
173 despite doubling the memory. The crash only occurs when outputting 
to quicktime as a movie and not as individual picts. Work around is to 
convert the picts into a quicktime movie using graphic converter. I am 
using a G3 imac 9.2.2.)


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From: Apollo16
Subject: Re: Where do I report bugs on build 187?
Date: 16 Dec 2003 11:58:03
Message: <3FDF38E2.1090402@earthlink.net>
Sorry. I found it. I was looking at the main pov-ray site and not:



Apollo16 wrote:

> Where do I report bugs on build 187? (Actually, I want to know if my 
> bug has already been reported etc.)
> (Bug: simple animation causes type 2 crash in build 187 but not build 
> 173 despite doubling the memory. The crash only occurs when outputting 
> to quicktime as a movie and not as individual picts. Work around is to 
> convert the picts into a quicktime movie using graphic converter. I am 
> using a G3 imac 9.2.2.)
> Apollo16

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