POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : No Mac version (OS X) available any more ? Server Time
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  No Mac version (OS X) available any more ? (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: François de Dardel
Subject: No Mac version (OS X) available any more ?
Date: 8 May 2003 16:17:14
Message: <3EBABB49.5080906@netscape.net>
I had version 3.5.1. It has now expired, and I can't find a new version. 

In other words, I am completely stuck... Or did I understand anything 
wrong ?


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From: Christopher James Huff
Subject: Re: No Mac version (OS X) available any more ?
Date: 9 May 2003 11:13:52
Message: <cjameshuff-EC22CB.11135309052003@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <3EB### [at] netscapenet>,

> I had version 3.5.1. It has now expired, and I can't find a new version. 
> In other words, I am completely stuck... Or did I understand anything 
> wrong ?

Well, it was a "release candidate" rather than a full release...you 
could use MacMegaPOV until a new version is out.


Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tagpovrayorg

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From: François de Dardel
Subject: Re: No Mac version (OS X) available any more ?
Date: 9 May 2003 17:41:34
Message: <3EBC208F.7000205@netscape.net>
Christopher James Huff wrote:

>>I had version 3.5.1. It has now expired, and I can't find a new version

> Well, it was a "release candidate" rather than a full release...you 
> could use MacMegaPOV until a new version is out.
> http://users.skynet.be/smellenbergh/

Many thanks. I downloaded it, and it works, albeit a little different in 

interface from version 3.5.1.


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