POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Text function and TTF fonts Server Time
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  Text function and TTF fonts (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: François de Dardel
Subject: Text function and TTF fonts
Date: 7 Mar 2003 14:10:51
Message: <3E68EEBB.4050803@netscape.net>
As you can see, my name has a "special" character. The .TTFs offered 
with POV do not seem to contain characters with diacritical marks. I 
have tried to put in the "include" folder other fonts, but when I try to 

use them with POV they don't work and I get an error about "Invalid 
TrueType font headers".

Q1: Without diacritical characters, you can write only in Malay, 
Indonesian, Tagalog and Basic English. Is there a solution for French, 
German, Italian and Portuguese (for instance)?

Q2: How can I distinguish betweeen a TT font that is OK for POV and one 
that is not?


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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Text function and TTF fonts
Date: 7 Mar 2003 14:47:53
Message: <3e68f769@news.povray.org>

<fde### [at] netscapenet>  wrote:

> Q2: How can I distinguish betweeen a TT font that is OK for POV and one
> that is not?

Well, the fonts you used are obviously no TrueType fonts as they do not even
contain a TrueType font header.  Not every font is a TrueType font.  So you
first need to locate TrueType fonts.  In Mac OS X these are unfortunately
mostly contained inside Mac OS X specific font container files (also every
version of Mac OS 9 and later can handle plain TrueType fonts just fine).
So you need a converter.  Right now I am not aware of any free one that
works with Mac OS X fonts and turns them into TrueType fonts.

Your best chance without using a converter is to force POV-Ray to start in
Mac OS 9. There it will automatically make all TrueType fonts in the
system's font folder available for use (just specify the font name).


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

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