POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Render progress window stays open Server Time
22 Dec 2024 16:51:36 EST (-0500)
  Render progress window stays open (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: Dale Walsh
Subject: Render progress window stays open
Date: 23 Dec 2002 15:57:43
Message: <3E07784A.3050508@mail.mcgill.ca>
Let me say this again.  The render progress window with the candy cane 
thing stays open. The candy cane thing just keeps spiralling, it lists 
no objects, no parse time, no render time, etc.  I have to quit program 
to make it stop.  G4, OS 9.2.2, Carbon Lib 1.6, lots of ram, rendering a 
simple scene from Scenes Folder.  What am I doing wrong?

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From: Martin Crisp
Subject: Re: Render progress window stays open
Date: 23 Dec 2002 17:38:35
Message: <0001HW.BA2DDB9B0032F2300DBF6350@news.povray.org>
On Tue, 24 Dec 2002 7:55:38 +1100, Dale Walsh wrote
(in message <3E0### [at] mailmcgillca>):

> Let me say this again.  The render progress window with the candy cane 
> thing stays open. The candy cane thing just keeps spiralling, it lists 
> no objects, no parse time, no render time, etc.  I have to quit program 
> to make it stop.  G4, OS 9.2.2, Carbon Lib 1.6, lots of ram, rendering a 
> simple scene from Scenes Folder.  What am I doing wrong?

That's what it was doing for me, until I turned on 'preemptive 
threading' in the first pane of the preferences.

Which you can't see until you go to that pane with the option key 
held down. [And you need to then quit and re-launch POV for it to 
take effect]

Have Fun
What I do that you wouldn't
What you do that I wouldn't

Almost always SMASHed

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From: Apache
Subject: Re: Render progress window stays open
Date: 23 Dec 2002 17:59:05
Message: <3e079539$1@news.povray.org>
Hey! I had the same problem on a mac with OS 9.2.2 lately. I thought it had
something to do with the OS (oh no! broken AGAIN!?!?!), but it turns out to
be POV-Ray. Good.  :-)

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From: ronald visschers
Subject: Re: Render progress window stays open
Date: 26 Dec 2002 10:20:54
Message: <3E0B1D38.6090308@xs4all.nl>
Same problem here on my iMac revB running sys 9.2. I downloaded povray 
version 3.5 to take up some rendering projects after a year or so. Is 
there a quick fix for this problem ?

Martin Crisp wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Dec 2002 7:55:38 +1100, Dale Walsh wrote
> (in message <3E0### [at] mailmcgillca>):
>>Let me say this again.  The render progress window with the candy cane 
>>thing stays open. The candy cane thing just keeps spiralling, it lists 
>>no objects, no parse time, no render time, etc.  I have to quit program 
>>to make it stop.  G4, OS 9.2.2, Carbon Lib 1.6, lots of ram, rendering a 
>>simple scene from Scenes Folder.  What am I doing wrong?
> That's what it was doing for me, until I turned on 'preemptive 
> threading' in the first pane of the preferences.
> Which you can't see until you go to that pane with the option key 
> held down. [And you need to then quit and re-launch POV for it to 
> take effect]
> Have Fun
> Martin

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From: Martin Crisp
Subject: Re: Render progress window stays open
Date: 26 Dec 2002 20:22:03
Message: <0001HW.BA31F66D0075842E0E624460@news.povray.org>
On Fri, 27 Dec 2002 2:16:08 +1100, ronald visschers wrote
(in message <3E0### [at] xs4allnl>):

[top-post moved]
> Martin Crisp wrote:
>> On Tue, 24 Dec 2002 7:55:38 +1100, Dale Walsh wrote
>> (in message <3E0### [at] mailmcgillca>):
>>> Let me say this again.  The render progress window with the 
>>> candy cane thing stays open. The candy cane thing just keeps 
>>> spiralling, it lists no objects, no parse time, no render 
>>> time, etc.  I have to quit program to make it stop.  G4, OS 
>>> 9.2.2, Carbon Lib 1.6, lots of ram, rendering a simple scene 
>>> from Scenes Folder.  What am I doing wrong? 
>> That's what it was doing for me, until I turned on 'preemptive 
>> threading' in the first pane of the preferences.
>> Which you can't see until you go to that pane with the option key 
>> held down. [And you need to then quit and re-launch POV for it to 
>> take effect]

> Same problem here on my iMac revB running sys 9.2. I downloaded 
> povray version 3.5 to take up some rendering projects after a 
> year or so. Is there a quick fix for this problem ? 

Only the above, AFAIK, i.e:

Edit menu-> Application Preferences -> some tab other than 
'General' -> Hold down the option key and choose the 'General' tab 
-> Turn on 'preemptive threading' -> close the prefs window -> quit 
POV-Ray -> Re-launch POV-Ray.

Have Fun
What I do that you wouldn't
What you do that I wouldn't

Almost always SMASHed

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Render progress window stays open
Date: 1 Mar 2003 10:24:47
Message: <3e60d0bf$1@news.povray.org>
In article <3E0### [at] mailmcgillca> , Dale Walsh 
<dal### [at] mailmcgillca>  wrote:

>  What am I doing wrong?

Get the POV-Ray 3.5.1 Public Release Candidate 1 (expires March 25th) from


Thorsten Froehlich
e-mail: mac### [at] povrayorg

I am a member of the POV-Ray Team.
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Philippe
Subject: Re: Render progress window stays open
Date: 7 Mar 2003 06:20:03
Message: <web.3e687f7711c017f2795bde140@news.povray.org>
>>>> Let me say this again.  The render progress window with the
>>>> candy cane thing stays open. The candy cane thing just keeps
>>>> spiralling, it lists no objects, no parse time, no render
>>>> time, etc.  I have to quit program to make it stop.
>>> That's what it was doing for me, until I turned on 'preemptive
>>> threading' in the first pane of the preferences.
>>> Which you can't see until you go to that pane with the option key
>>> held down. [And you need to then quit and re-launch POV for it to
>>> take effect]
>Edit menu-> Application Preferences -> some tab other than
>'General' -> Hold down the option key and choose the 'General' tab
>-> Turn on 'preemptive threading' -> close the prefs window -> quit
>POV-Ray -> Re-launch POV-Ray.


Sorry guys, but I have the same problem and this fix does not fix it!
Thanks beforehand for your interest and help.

(OS 8.6 / CarbonLib 1.6 / POV-Ray 3.5)


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