POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Templates problem Server Time
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  Templates problem (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: Tom Stone
Subject: Templates problem
Date: 20 Jul 2002 21:23:20
Message: <3D3A0CA6.6816B850@swipnet.se>
After 1 or 2 renderings, the template menu & window stops working.

Is this a known problem? If so, I'm sorry to bring it up again.

Tested on an iBook, swedish system 9.2.2, Carbon Lib 1.6

-Tom Stone

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Templates problem
Date: 21 Jul 2002 04:23:28
Message: <3d3a6f80@news.povray.org>
In article <3D3A0CA6.6816B850@swipnet.se> , Tom Stone <tom### [at] swipnetse>

> Is this a known problem?

No, I have not seen it since an early beta.  Are you sure you were not using
a beta?


Thorsten Froehlich
e-mail: mac### [at] povrayorg

I am a member of the POV-Ray Team.
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Tom Stone
Subject: Re: Templates problem
Date: 21 Jul 2002 08:40:32
Message: <3D3AAB5A.DC5DD2AD@swipnet.se>
Thorsten Froehlich wrote:

> No, I have not seen it since an early beta.  Are you sure you were not using
> a beta?

No, it's the official release downloaded just a few days ago.
I'll try to pinpoint exactly when the templates stops working, if that is
anything useful.
I'll get back with more info tomorrow.

Tom Stone

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From: Tom Stone
Subject: Re: Templates problem
Date: 21 Jul 2002 19:39:54
Message: <3D3B45E4.EAF3D75B@swipnet.se>
I made a small test scene, adding the following from the template window:
#include "colors.inc"  // Standard Color definitions
#include "textures.inc"  // Standard Texture definitions

sphere {
  <0, 1, 0> // center of sphere <X Y Z>
  0.5       // radius of sphere
// perspective (default) camera
camera {
  location  <0.0, 2.0, -5.0>
  look_at   <0.0, 0.0,  0.0>
  right     x*image_width/image_height
// create a regular point light source
light_source {
  0*x                  // light's position (translated below)
  color rgb <1,1,1>    // light's color
  translate <-20, 40, -20>

This rendered as it should.
So, after the first rendering, I tried to add a box to the scene, but the
template window refused to work. So I quitted POV-ray and started it again. The
templates worked again.
So I added the box and rendered the scene again, which worked, but the following
message appeared in the message window:

"Writing Mac Picture file failed (Error code -194 for internal use only!). "

And after the rendering the templates was unavailable again.

(Btw, an odd thing: This scene doesn't use any animation, or clock. But the
message window says:

- Initial Frame..       2  Final Frame....       2
-  Initial Clock..   1.000  Final Clock....   1.000

...should the frame number really be 2?)

I've repeated it a few times, and the templates seems to stop working after the
first rendering.

A few times there have been strange "Memory"-something files appearing, which I
haven't looked much at since everything has rendered as it should. But perhaps
that has something to do with this problem?
So I tried one of the included scene files, the "math.pov" from the inc-demo
folder. Here I got the following message in the message window:

"Memory leakage detected, see file 'Memory.Log' for list
4 bytes reclaimed"

And sure, next to the "math.pov" file was a Memory.Log file, that said:
File:  POV_MEM.CPP  Line: 836  Size:4


These memory.log files have been appearing a few times. I just found one that
appeared a few days ago.
Perhaps not useful, since I don't remember what I did when it appear, but I'm
including the contents of that memory.log file anyway:
File:  POV_MEM.CPP  Line: 836  Size:4
File:    WARPS.CPP  Line: 840  Size:264
File:   COLOUR.CPP  Line: 282  Size:16
File:  EXPRESS.CPP  Line:2923  Size:64
File:    WARPS.CPP  Line: 795  Size:44
File:  POV_MEM.CPP  Line: 836  Size:4


I hope that any of this will be useful.

Tom Stone

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From: deanzzz
Subject: Re: Templates problem
Date: 4 Aug 2002 18:25:13
Message: <web.3d4da99c1de79b9164224a80@news.povray.org>
I have had exactly the same problem every time I used POV on my Mac. I, too,
have System 9.2.2 and Carbon Lib 1.6, but on an iMac. The first render
leaves me incapable of using drag-and-drop from the templates library.


Tom Stone wrote:
>After 1 or 2 renderings, the template menu & window stops working.
>Is this a known problem? If so, I'm sorry to bring it up again.
>Tested on an iBook, swedish system 9.2.2, Carbon Lib 1.6
>-Tom Stone

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From: Glenn Greenway
Subject: Re: Templates problem
Date: 5 Aug 2002 01:55:36
Message: <B9738BA3.4BD6%glenncg@isrv.com>
in article web.3d4da99c1de79b9164224a80@news.povray.org, deanzzz at
dea### [at] attbicom wrote on 8/4/02 6:24 PM:

> I have had exactly the same problem every time I used POV on my Mac. I, too,
> have System 9.2.2 and Carbon Lib 1.6, but on an iMac. The first render
> leaves me incapable of using drag-and-drop from the templates library.
> DZ
> Tom Stone wrote:
>> After 1 or 2 renderings, the template menu & window stops working.
>> Is this a known problem? If so, I'm sorry to bring it up again.
>> Tested on an iBook, swedish system 9.2.2, Carbon Lib 1.6
>> -Tom Stone
Same thing here on a G4

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From: Glenn Greenway
Subject: Re: Templates problem
Date: 19 Aug 2002 13:20:25
Message: <B986A127.5E2E%glenncg@isrv.com>
in article B9738BA3.4BD6%gle### [at] isrvcom, Glenn Greenway at
gle### [at] isrvcom wrote on 8/5/02 1:55 AM:

> in article web.3d4da99c1de79b9164224a80@news.povray.org, deanzzz at
> dea### [at] attbicom wrote on 8/4/02 6:24 PM:
>> I have had exactly the same problem every time I used POV on my Mac. I, too,
>> have System 9.2.2 and Carbon Lib 1.6, but on an iMac. The first render
>> leaves me incapable of using drag-and-drop from the templates library.
>> DZ
>> Tom Stone wrote:
>>> After 1 or 2 renderings, the template menu & window stops working.
>>> Is this a known problem? If so, I'm sorry to bring it up again.
>>> Tested on an iBook, swedish system 9.2.2, Carbon Lib 1.6
>>> -Tom Stone
> Same thing here on a G4
I understand that those using OS X have had some luck with the template
issue.  I'm using Mac OS 9.2.2 and am still having the same problem.

Even using the simplest POV demo scene, after one render Templates die.

By the way, 3.5 is amazing, but this Template issue remains, for me,



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