POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : How to post binaries with Mac and MacSoup Server Time
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  How to post binaries with Mac and MacSoup (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: Kaveh
Subject: How to post binaries with Mac and MacSoup
Date: 25 Aug 2003 06:05:33
Message: <1g08uot.9gs7rr1aas4haN%kaveh@delete_this.focalimage.com>
Sorry if this should be obvious. I used MacSoup on OS X. It does not
support binaries. I have ftp upload programs. What is the procedure for
uploading images to binary groups? I can't find any info on the site.


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From: Noé Falzon
Subject: Re: How to post binaries with Mac and MacSoup
Date: 25 Aug 2003 08:19:19
Message: <1g093ew.yfb30h1oyywxsN%PASDEPUBnoe.falzon@tiscali.fr>
Kaveh <kav### [at] delete_thisfocalimagecom> wrote:

> Sorry if this should be obvious. I used MacSoup on OS X. It does not
> support binaries. I have ftp upload programs. What is the procedure for
> uploading images to binary groups? I can't find any info on the site.
> -- 
> Kaveh


I also use MacSoup, and actually, it has no option to post binaries.
Though, you can, as it is finally only text. There nothing to do with
ftp (or at list, I don't know how).
You must have a third party encoder : I use StuffIt. If you are on a
mac, you probably have StuffIt (maybe it is even included into OS X).
The format used on the newsgroup is, as I found it myself : UUcode.
I don't know how StuffIt is implemented on OS X, but I have on 8.6 a
menu dedicated to StuffIt. Select your file to encode, in the menu (or
the StuffIt application, if you don't have the menu) and select "encode"
then "UU". It will give you a file text, probably ending in ".uu". Just
drag it in the MacSOUP window, at the end of your message, and it should
add all the text.
Just check that you actually have the keyword "end" at the end of the
weird caracters, and it should be OK.

To decode, I do exactly the opposite : I save the message in a text
file, that I send to StuffIt. You don't even have to select only the
weird caracters, he does it alone. He unstuffs it, and gives me the
decoded file, next to the text file, or in a specific folder, regarding
the settings you gave to StuffIt.

Don't hesitate to try here, I'll tell you if it works.


"Je ne deteste que les bourreaux" -- Albert Camus

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: How to post binaries with Mac and MacSoup
Date: 25 Aug 2003 11:05:50
Message: <3f4a25ce@news.povray.org>
In article <1g093ew.yfb30h1oyywxsN%PASDEPUBnoe.falzon@tiscali.fr> , 

> I also use MacSoup, and actually, it has no option to post binaries.

Then I would strongly recommend another newsreader.  A GUI based newsreader
that doesn't support attachments is kind of useless, and there are millions
of newsreaders out there after all...


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org

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From: Kaveh
Subject: Re: How to post binaries with Mac and MacSoup
Date: 25 Aug 2003 12:34:19
Message: <1g09cs2.dw3usn1qd2hmoN%kaveh@delete_this.focalimage.com>
Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:

> In article <1g093ew.yfb30h1oyywxsN%PASDEPUBnoe.falzon@tiscali.fr> , 

> > I also use MacSoup, and actually, it has no option to post binaries.
> Then I would strongly recommend another newsreader.  A GUI based newsreader
> that doesn't support attachments is kind of useless, and there are millions
> of newsreaders out there after all...

MacSoup is really wonderful except this one thing. Can you recommend
another for Mac?


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From: Christopher James Huff
Subject: Re: How to post binaries with Mac and MacSoup
Date: 25 Aug 2003 14:22:01
Message: <cjameshuff-1E48A6.14215025082003@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <1g09cs2.dw3usn1qd2hmoN%kaveh@delete_this.focalimage.com>,
 kav### [at] delete_thisfocalimagecom (Kaveh) wrote:

> MacSoup is really wonderful except this one thing. Can you recommend
> another for Mac?

I use MT-NewsWatcher. Good binary support, and makes reading news fast. 
The one thing I dislike is that it doesn't show read messages. Instead, 
everything you see is something you haven't read yet, though you can 
mark things unread to look at later.

Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tagpovrayorg

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From: Kaveh
Subject: Re: How to post binaries with Mac and MacSoup
Date: 25 Aug 2003 14:37:34
Message: <1g09ig4.1tzy8jugfyv2kN%kaveh@delete_this.focalimage.com>
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet> wrote:

> In article <1g09cs2.dw3usn1qd2hmoN%kaveh@delete_this.focalimage.com>,
>  kav### [at] delete_thisfocalimagecom (Kaveh) wrote:
> > MacSoup is really wonderful except this one thing. Can you recommend
> > another for Mac?
> I use MT-NewsWatcher. Good binary support, and makes reading news fast.
> The one thing I dislike is that it doesn't show read messages. Instead,
> everything you see is something you haven't read yet, though you can 
> mark things unread to look at later.

MacSoup has the same problem actually. If you quickly press the OK
button, you have to go through several steps to find the message again.

I am now downloading NewsWatcher, and taking a look at Halime too.


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From: Kaveh
Subject: Re: How to post binaries with Mac and MacSoup
Date: 26 Aug 2003 05:19:34
Message: <1g0an91.peh5rv1xxb7k6N%kaveh@delete_this.focalimage.com>
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet> wrote:


> I use MT-NewsWatcher. Good binary support, and makes reading news fast.
> The one thing I dislike is that it doesn't show read messages. Instead,
> everything you see is something you haven't read yet, though you can 
> mark things unread to look at later.

OK. I'm on MT-NewsWatcher now. I used the original non-MT version many
years back, but preferred MacSoup as it downloads the body of all the
text too, and very fast. But now I am connected most of the time, that
doesn't matter.

Replying from here as I have 'read' this thread in NW, so I can't see it
any more, as you say!!


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